
Am i the only one that doesn't want Britain to be seperated???

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I am all for Scotland and Wales having their own laws and their own money and things like this, but I think I like having the UK. My gran is Scottish, my dad is Welsh, I dont really want it split up. I'd really just like it all to be run better. What do you think?




  1. No you're not alone there. We wouldn't be the UK or Great Britain otherwise. We all share too much to split on mutual grounds. Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales deserve to have their independance but we should still stay connected. I know they've been treated badly by England but as people we've got a lot of things in common.

    As a Muslim I always say I'm British and not English. Like King James I & VI said if it wasn't for the constant past invasions and by the Romans building Hadrians wall then we would've been known as one country with no borders between ourselves.

  2. wales don't have are own money, but id like us to be all one county Scotland and wales are just like states we are one country well ad lest i thought we were.

  3. I think you are English.

    It is only the English who oppose the independence of Scotland because ther know that the transfer of the oil revenues to their rightful place of the Scottish Exchequer will so damage the Westminster-based economy that England will be reduced to the status of a third world country.

    Post-independence Scotland will even have to introduce border controls to limit the number of economic migrants from England.

    Do you not read your newspapers? The Scottish National Party took the safe Labour seat of Glasgow East on Thursday. Scottish voters want Nationalism, not Union with economically-retarded England.

  4. no youre not

    only small-minded idiots want to split the UK up

    if wales and scotland think things are bad now theyd get a bloody shock if they went alone

  5. probably not

  6. The UK ( united kingdom ) is not United now, is it?

    If we are a united kingdom we all should have they same things, not no prescription charges in Wales & free Uni Fees in Scotland,

    If there is a Scottish Parliment, why not a English?

    Why can Scottish MPs vote on English only matters, but not the other way around?

    Britain is not just England,

  7. my mam's welsh

    my dad's english

    I live both in wales and england - it will be horrable if they both changed money - i still can say a word in welsh LOL

  8. No

  9. I agree with you. I think it's really quite sad what happened in Glasgow East today.

  10. No your not alone.

    However, we Scots will get our independence one day.

  11. Boomer Wisdom is right. Let's stay united and work together. Perhaps we can then put the "Great" back in Britain again

  12. i left because Scotland of the english corruption, they are destroying them selves and trying to take us with them.  i hate Westminster with all my being. i hate any english who want to continue raping and oppressing Scotland my home!!

    i wull come back to fight england if a fight starts against you

    better to fight for our freedom and maybe die then submit any longer the the Sasainn, we are englands whipping boy, Guinea pig,

    its time for england to go it alone and feel what it is like to be a nation with nae respect from the world and find out just how much of a world power you are no, your no even feared my Mugabe, or anyone else on earth.

    england has very little power with out the USA saying what you can do or when you can do it. england is an emasculated entity, england is a disgrace and we Scots are tired of being saddled with your dead weight

  13. I think you are the only one.  Everyone is far too worried about making ends meet in this ridiculously expensive country to really care what happens in Wales and Scotland as far as politics go.  I think they should be separate, England is bad news and it certainly seems like the Scottish know better than the English on how to run their country.  My dad's Irish and I don't feel any less close to him or my Irish family for Ireland being a foreign country, they certainly did better out of it for a while.

  14. I defo think Scotland should be separated , it cant be any worse than being Englands guinea pig , cos that's all we are .

    Any new law is tested out on Scotland before England as a fact .

    The poll tax , came out in Scotland a year before it did in England , the smoking ban , came out in Scotland a year before it did England .

    When any major works has to close , its Scotland first before Englands touched  etc...., so anyone that thinks Scotlands treated fairly is a idiot.

    So how much worse can it get if we separate .

    We have out own natural resources and Eng. is deluded if they think we cant stand alone , so doesn't history prove otherwise .

  15. No, you are not alone. I agree: Run the UK better. Don't split up. The danger lies not  in your domestic problems; the danger has always been to the immediate east.

    And keep the pound. And the ale. Forget Paris and Brussels. They'll kill your spirit.

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