
Am i the only one that gets really paranoid when people try to see what im doing on the computer?

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my computer is in my living room and everytime someone walks past me on the computer they come over to see what im looking at. ever time someone comes up or down the stairs, they turn their heads to see what im doing and now they think im weird because i get really annoyed and so they start talking a bunch of c**p about me and they all give me the silent treatmeant. So am i the only one that gets really annoyed?




  1. no, i get annoyed sometimes too. like our computer is in my step brothers room (who moved to NC) so now my mom uses the extra closet to keep her clothes in, and the screen is facing the doorway, so when someone walks in and check on what i'm doing, i usually minimize everything and play solitare. i dont know why, i just do. its nothing secretive, its usually just myspace, music, and talking to friends. usually when my mom tries to see i'll do what i'll always do. and sometimes she gives me the silent treatment even if it is for a little bit. and one time she found out my password for my account and logged on to check o_o

  2. and i thought i was the only one.  thats funny yess. right over here! my dad use to say that to me. but see it was true. he would be so nosey and try and see what im doing. now my man does that to me. and he goes what are u trying to hide. im like nothing. i just dont want u questioning me what im doing. sometimes we even fight cuz he says well why did u click off real fast. im not trying to hide nothing i just dont like it when their all rude and being nosey. so i feel you on that one!

  3. no i get kinda annoyed because people get nosey but you have to deal with it because they prob wont stop

  4. there making sure your not looking at p**n, and maybe they want you to show them something cool on the computer. they probably think your a unibomber now that you chase them off everytime.

  5. no i hate that! its very annoying my family still does that. you are not alone.

  6. Yeah it bothers me too. I usually just put up my music program when people come in the room, even though there's no real reason other than that it makes me feel weird when people read over my shoulder.  

  7. NOT AT ALL!!!!!!!!

    my sister goes CRAZY when i just glimse at the computer

    U R NOT ALONE!!!


               hope this helps :)

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