
Am i the only one who cant wait for christmas?

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Ok now i know this may seem sad the some people but, i was going through a cupboard looking for my photo albums about 2 months ago and i came across all my christmas stuff and i realised how much i had.Then about a week later i was bored and thought i know what ill go through christmas stuff and see what new stuff i need this year and ever since then i can't get christmas out of my head.

I'm so excited i love everything about christmas,i started shopping beggining of yeah as i have 2 sons to buy for plus my boyfriend and as well as that my oldest sound b-day and boyfriends b-day is in jan.

I anyone else excited about christmas?




  1. i get you i can't wait it will be nice for the focus to be on something else other than the elections and bad economy it will be truly nice can't wait seasons greeting to you !!

  2. Ah Christmas....Santa's birthday, the best time of the year.

  3. i cant wait

  4. well yeah. to me.. school didn' even start yet.

    some nerds like myself cant wait for school.

  5. im WAYYY exited!!!

  6. I can`t wait for christmans to be over and done with..

    If theres one time of year I detest its December 25th

    Didn`t it all have something to do with religion once upon a time..not seeing if you need new decorations in August or seeing how much debt you could get into this year,or buying the kids presents that are for much older kids..because they already have everything else..

    Cancel it..have it once every 5 years..personally i can`t wait for December 26th...

  7. No not really.  Christmas is changed so muched its becomming  to superficial and over rated people are more concerned about  having the nicest decorations and the most lights, or getting/giving the most expensive presents  it seems that the TRUE meaning is slowly starting to slip away.  PLus Chistman means there will be like 3-4 feet of snow on the ground and that REALLY dosent excite me.. snow is the worst when winter last 8 monthes.  

  8. You can and will wait. Your desires do not control the calender.

  9. In a word, no. It's become a mad, pointless scramble to buy terrible presents for people you don't speak to most of the year, and inflict unwanted presents on the people you care about, and for whom you buy little things anyway throughout the year. When people stop and remember that Christmas is actually the Mass of Christ, and treat the season accordingly, I might begin to enjoy it.

  10. I am also looking forward to Christmas.

    Already, I can smell chestnuts roasting on an open fire.  I have prepared some boiling pitch for any carol singers who are foolhardy enough to disturb my privacy and the freezer is waiting for the turkey.

    All we need now is some snow.

  11. I am counting down the days!!!!!!!

  12. No...Even me I can't wait for Christmas either!!!

    Seriously...It's soooo far..4 months away...M really getting impatient...LOL!!

  13. well as a christian i should as its jesus birthday but as just a festive day i hate it to expensive  

  14. I can't wait for the season, the run up to the day, but sadly, once Christmas has come it is another 11 months before the next one comes about.

    "Advocates for two Christmases a year" if we could afford it.  

  15. I hate christmas well at least the run up to it seems to start in sept/oct why cant the shops not start putting things on the shelves until end of nov to dec then most of us wouldn't be fed up of it.  

  16. Yes! I love christmas too, I thought I went overboard about xmas but you beat me. Have fun and enjoy.

  17. same with me it is all most like you can make your christmas list right?! i am ultra exited for this holiday because kids get so exited for santa it is exiting i already started shopping for christmas gifts and wrapping them i am just so pumped up hee hee hee

    good luck-w  b

  18. at this time of the year yes, live for today, it could be your last.LoL

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