
Am i the only one who doesn't really like summer .?

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i seem to enjoy the winter more when its cold and dark nights.When its really warm and sunny i sometimes feel down.I dont now why it may be cause my mood is low and in the winter i can hide away more .Am i the only wired person on here lol




  1. When it gets so hot, you can't catch your breath, that is when Summer is hard to endure.

  2. Actually I love winter...I can't tolerate I love sking and sledding and after a hard day sit back watch the fireplace and drink hot coco :)

  3. Actually, I'm not too fond of summer either---the heat and humidity make me feel lazy and lethargic and I can never get anything done!  The best times of year for me are fall and spring when the temperatures are changing and leaves are either turning colors/falling or growing and new.  Winter's kind of nice, but I liked it better when I lived farther north and we had snow!!  I love snowy days--fires in fireplaces, snowmen and forts outside and hot chocolate!  However, days at the beach are more fun in the summer.....

  4. No!  I hate summer.  I love cold, rainy, snowy, dark winters.  I love the end of autumn, too.  I love being able to use my electric blanket and sweaters.  I am getting depressed too about summer approaching.

  5. No I prefer the winter.  Lovely scenery and you can snuggle up indoors afterwards.

  6. No, I'm the same way. They're something very civic and social about people coming together to protect themselves from the cold, dark nights of winter. can wear whatever you want in the winter...sure, you'll be freezing if you wear a t-shirt and shorts, but you won't sweat and get all disgusting. In the summer, though, you can only wear warm weather clothes, unless you want to sweat all over the place. And who wants that?

    And I hate bugs...yet another great reason to hate summer.

    I think a bed of white snow looks much better than a field of green grass anyway.

  7. nope

    it's spelled WEIRD. sorry that really irks me; i rarely correct spelling

    i love winter cause it's dark. love summer cause it's warm..i wish it could be dull and warm

  8. no, i like winter as well

  9. i love cold and rainy weather, because it is cooler to listen to jazz and blues music and i have better clothes to choose from.

    but i am stuck in Texas...

  10. With my skin condition, I can't go in the sun and I don't like the heat.

    I guess you're not alone.

  11. Absolutely not! I live in Texas and the summers here are really hot and humid. I love the winter months I sometimes prefer the cold dark days of winter to a beautiful summer day. I am originally from Ohio so I do know what it is like to experience a real winter.I guess I really like winter more because of cups of hot chocolate or hot chicken soup on a cold gray day. or just curling up on the couch in a warm comforter with the dog at my feet.

  12. you're not the only one

    you can say i hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee summer  i hate the heat , i prefer winter

  13. i like summer the best, but that might just be because im a floridian and i have lived here all of my life. winter here is kinda boring cause we dont have winter sports. the only good thing about winter is that means a 1 month break from college.

  14. I prefer the cooler seasons myself.  The colder it is, the more one can wear, but once it gets hot, there is a limit on how little clothing can be used ;)

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