
Am i the only person in this world that dont like weddings?

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I was a bridesmaid 3 times as a kid, when i got married i was pressured into a big wedding, but nearly died of embarrassment bcos i was the centre of attention. I went to my sons and my daughters, only bcos i didnt want to offend, but would much rather have not gone.but am always ill/on holiday/or something when i get other invitations. My friend said its bcos I'm with people i may not want to be with. I don't know about that but I'm certainly made to feel a bit of an odd-bod.




  1. Personally I dont like weddings either. I'm due to get married soon, only 4 of us, but still I'm gonna be SO embaressed. I think the whole process is cringeworthy. So much so I've even thought about not going through with it! I hope I feel better closer the time.

  2. I do not like weddings in general either. they cost way to much and are boring to people who aren't in it as well as to those that are.  

  3. I'm sure you're not the only one; however, I feel like your issue is more a personal/social one.  I understand not wanting to go to your friend's wedding or your husband's second cousin's son's wedding.

    But, your own children?  That's a bit odd.  Most parents find that to be one of the best and most memorable days of their life.   I'm thinking you might not like to be in too many social situations, since you don't like being the center of attention or maybe, talking to be in general.

    Personally, I love weddings.  They are lots of fun and really full of hope.  

  4. The thought of a big wedding has never held any appeal to me --then again, ceremonies in general have never held much of an appeal to me (weddings, graduations, etc).  I don't think there's anything wrong with you; are you more introverted, perhaps?  I know hanging out with tons of people has never been my thing, and I also hate long ceremonies (just give me my marriage certificate/diploma/award already!). For some people, it's a chance to have fun and see/meet people, so they really enjoy social occasions. Others really need a big ceremony to mark the beginning of some event they view as important.

  5. weddings are lame but the receptions can be a good time! :) oh but i did like my wedding - it was small, on the beach and we only had good friends and family there..

  6. No your not the only one who hates weddings. Your 100% normal. My mother is like you. she hates attending functions, parties, and mingling with people outside of our family. She's very shy and introverted. It's just who she is. She would rather be with family.  

  7. No, you're not alone - most of the day is spent hanging around waiting for the meal, lol.

  8. They are riddled with the most appalling hypocrisy. At least you meet honest people at a funeral

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