
Am i the only person who thinks that Sarah Palin is HOT???

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dude i am so voting for McCain because of her...she is a MILF




  1. She is an attractive woman, but I don't know about HOT. Scarlett Johansson is hot, or maybe Kate Beckinsale, but not Sarah so much.

  2. You are not alone.

  3. No, I think so too. When she becomes Vice President, how do I apply to be her intern? We will make Bill Clinton's oval office hanky panky look like a Sunday school picnic. Yes I did have s*x with that woman.

  4. But don't get her mad, she might invite you to go "hunting".

  5. No.  

  6. A truly American question. But you'd have more chance with her if she wasn't elected-none instead of less than none.

  7. LOL, no you are not the only one.  Definitely a babe.

  8. If you're a guy, i guess so and she Has an affinity for guns.

  9. Of course you do.  As I said earier, she looks like the nasty librarian in a p**n movie.

  10. You and McCain

  11. Great way to cast your vote. Lets hope you get a flat tire on your way to the polls

  12. Nothing could make me vote for McCain, but she IS awfully purrrrty.

  13. Oh sure. This really matters in the scheme of things.

  14. Of course she is a MILF. This is common knowledge.  

  15. no wayz she ugleeeeeee

  16. Yes, you need glasses

  17. no your not the only one she is smoking.  

  18. Nope, but I think you're assessment is a bit crude.

  19. No you aren't not by a long shot.

    Myself and obviouse Senator McCain feel the same way.

  20. It is always good to see the american voters picking their leaders for the right reasons. Forget politics.It's all down to the hooters.  

  21. I would.

    Google image her. There's a very nice pic that I'm not even sure is her, but it's worth it anyway.

    Doesn't make me support McCain, but she is very nice.


  23. Do you think John McCain thinks so?

  24. She is a good looking woman, but that's not the reason why I like her and support her as the Republican VP.

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