
Am i the only teen that finds it totaly awkward to watch a s*x scence in a movie with my mom?

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like i just walk out of the room for a little you think she can sense my discomfort?




  1. omg i have the same feeling...i like look away or shut my eyes or just say eww cause i know that would make her happy instead of me actually enjoying the scene.  

  2. yeah, i usually look away from the screen or find some excuse to go away, too.  

  3. I think i know i will go to walk out the room, but then i know that she knows why i am leaving the room .

  4. OK I'm 21 and I still find watching s*x scenes awkward with my mom.

    I just grit my teeth and get through the scene.  After that I'm fine.

  5. yeahh its really awkward...i'm just like "mom can you leave me alone to watch this for a little while?" its even worse with my dad. kissing scenes makes him freak out. i don't watch things like that with him very much

  6. i do the same thing and im pretty sure that she can

  7. youre not alone :PPP

  8. Oh yeah...I just pretend I'm not watching or something. It's SO can practically feel the tention.

  9. Omg i hate it !! Even kissing causes discomfort with my mom!! Sometimes my mom will just change the channel or if she can't i usually just leave the room!

  10. i think she probably could, but she understands. i'm the same way with my parents. as soon as one comes "oh man, i gotta pee now!"

  11. i just pick up somit to read

  12. You're not the only one i find it very awkward also. Just think how awkward it must be for the actors haha.  

  13. She probably notices, but understands.

    It is weird to watch s*x scenes with your parents.

  14. I'd walk out the room it does seem crazy hunh

  15. i think it is pretty awkward but I saty in the room and just kinda sit there  

  16. ya well who ever doesn't find it awkward to see a s*x scence with there mom is crazy who wants to watch a s*x scence with there mom anyway don't worry u are so not the only one but ya i bet she can tell

  17. lol! when i watch just a kissing scence with my mom, i feel awkward! its a normal thing, and ur mom probably senses the awkward feeling too.

  18. I am 22 and this is still a horrifying situation to me

  19. i leave the room. i fnd that awkward and uncomfortable.  

  20. i think its really awkward too. lol

  21. yo i hate it lol i was watching chuck and larry the other day with my mom  i had to get up so many times lol. i just went to the kitchen and eat or something and just come back and watch it wit her lol but its weird one time i stayed in the room while their was a s*x scene she started talking about s*x with me ever since that day i just walk away lol ;p

  22. It's just as awkward from the parent's end.

    Your mom probably wanted to run out of the room too, but you beat her to it.

  23. Oh my gosh, can we message and talk about this??!? i feel the same way on so many levels, its crazy!

    i couldnt even watch juno with her!

    we actually got in a big fight about it when we were watching superbad!

    yeah i just watch G-rated movies with her now...haha

  24. lol deffinitly not

    everytime my parents ask me to watch a movie i ask them

    what it is

    and if the movie has a scene in it i refuse to watch it ( they dont know why i dont wanna watch it though)

    and if i do so happen to be watching a movie with a scene in it

    i walk out the room before it happens

    cause usually you can sense when its comming

    your mom probably does not sense it cause she's into the movie that she doesn't really notice how you feel


  25. no, lol I just dont look at her till that scene is far gone

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