
Am i to much of a horse crazy girl?

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some people in my class at school think I'm really horse crazy just because every time we go to the library i borrow horse books and i always talk about horses but i just love them there such beautiful animals and there such fun to have around you i used to go to horse riding lessons but i don't do it any more because i play netball and i still remember i used to ride a Arabian called jasper.




  1. try to not talk about them in front of everyone and they shouldn't care  

  2. Horses are beautiful creatures and great to be around. They are better than a lot of people! And riding horses takes a lot of concentration and discipline. So it's a great sport.

    I say Keep reading about horses and Keep riding them!

  3. its cool to be horse crazy, i wouldn't worrie what other people think, you are your own person and if that is what you are into i think it is great.

  4. There's nothing wrong with being horse crazy. Try being DVD crazy like me. I buy horse books and DVD's all the time. It shouldn't matter what other people think.  

  5. Wow you sound alot like me. Its ok to be a horse crazy person. Its just who you are. And if they have a problem with it tell them to get over it. My nick name at school was horse freak, I loved it.

  6. gosh use a period or semicolon every now and then! lol! people can NEVER be too in love with equines.  

  7. you sound just like me - i'm so totally horsecrazy, and there's nothing wrong with that:)!!! your right, there's nothing more beautiful or breathtaking than horses:)

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