
Am i to skinny?

by  |  earlier

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im 14 and my weight is 94. and im 5'5"

what do u think




  1. I assume 94 pounds. The fact you ask this question suggests that the answer is probably yes.

    You BMI (body mass index) is 15.6 which is definatley under weight. the data below shows the BMI ranges.

    Underweight = <18.5

    Normal weight = 18.5-24.9

    Overweight = 25-29.9

    Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

    You should gain about 15 pounds to be in a good range.

    Being underweigh means that your body has no reserves for fighting ilness. If you get the flu it could do you lasting damage becasue your body can't defend its self properly.

  2. Definetly no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u sound like u have a hot body!!!!!!!!

  3. not to me

  4. It sounds a bit too skinny in my opinion

  5. if its skin && bones then maybe. but if you got alil meat then its koo. However, some people have fast metabolisms && they can't help it. Either way, dont trip. You are, what you are. =]

  6. You just described me to the T. i know why u are asking this question you feel too skinny. personally i do eat a lot. and i have always been skinny. i i had it my way my ideal body would have a little more fat on. but personlly i am perfectly fine with my wieght. it is hard to tell you exactly over the computer cause we are all so different, but i would have to say you aren't too skinny. if you're really uncertain, and would like to be completly sure talk to your parents about a dr. appointment. my dr. says that i'm fine, and i dont need to worry about it. dont sweat it, if you still feel really uneasy talk to your parents. ^^)

  7. no not really

  8. My daughter is almost 14, 5'2 and weighs over 100 pounds.  She has an athletic body.  Based upon what my daughter, I would say you could stand to gain some weight.

  9. By the BMI, medically speaking you are underweight.  

    You should be asking yourself if you are happy with how you look and not so concerned with what everyone else believes.  If you are at 94 and eating healthy then that's amazing and ignore any snide comments people have.

  10. Perhaps a bit, the thing to do is to find the standard weight/height chart for females and see what it says.

    We do know that there is an absurdly oversold desire to be thin in our society.  Enjoy yourself and stop worrying.

    Of course, I'm an old male doctor, 6'2" and 215 pounds

    so what do I know, right?  The thing to do is to eat enjoyably and not to worry unless you keep being told "you are too skinny, you look gaunt".  You are DEFINITELY not fat!

    Dr. Von

  11. nah i just turned 15 and im 5'3 at 84 LBS. people say im skinny and i really am but its better than being fat!

  12. It is possible that you may be underweight.

    The only way to know for sure is to talk to your doctor or go to an online accredited weight site and look up your weight, height, and age. It will show you if you are at the right weight.

    Good Luck!

  13. No.

  14. pic would really help though......
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