
Am i to strict?

by  |  earlier

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I knew i'd be a stricter parent than my husband but sometimes i wonder if i'm to strict. My Daughter is one and showing signs of being very spoiled she throws things, hits her father, and breaks out screaming when she can't have something. To which i respond by sitting her in a high chair for a min (or till she calms down), making her take a nap, or letting her scream it out without my attention. Is this to harsh for 1?




  1. Not at all.

  2. No you're not strict at all. I pretty much do the same thing with Skye (14 months) because she bites and throws tantrums sometimes. I know at this age they can't talk properley so they get frusterated and angry but they know (to some extent) that its not ok to bite or whatever. I usually tell her no first in a firm (but calm) voice and if she continues I put her in her highchair or in her portacot for a minute but with no toys.

  3. no not too strict. i think the fact that your asking for advice and opinons shows what a fair, open and most of all caring parent.

    now is a crucial time for her to get the message of what is acceptable behavior and what won't be tolerated. you let that stuff slide "just b/c she's 1" and it's only gonna' get worse.

    wait till she starts building a vocabulary....

  4. No, you are not strict, you're just being a good mother who acutally cares and loves her child. *Always stay calm* and try to show her that having a tandrum does not work.

  5. I don't think that you're too strict with her. I think you may even spoil her too much. Kids want, and need their parent's love, attention-- and though we may not know it, we also crave for our parent's guiding hands. I should Know, because even though I'm not a parent, I am a daughter. I also know that as a child, we need equality, stability and balance. As a parent, maybe you should try to be strict with your daughter, but balance it with your love and affection. I hope this helps! :-)

  6. you're doing a great job. i did that to my daughter who is 5now. and i will do the same to my turning 1yo baby. but all your actions should be followed with an explanation even shes just 1.

  7. slap the gerber food out of her

    make sure the baby respects both of you, if the baby hits the father, that might mean the wife is dis respectin the dad in front of the baby, if you dont respect the dad why would the kid

    and i dont think you should completely ignore her

  8. not at all your doing everything right and you just need to stick at it. It'l get better before it gets worse, ages 5-12 are your best years with your child, then teenage it goes back down hill then at about 18 or 19 sometimes even 20 or 21 they grow up again

  9. no...i've seen and heard worst

  10. you are a weak *** parent smack your kid upside there head and tell them to quit misbehaving stop spoiling them with nonsense punishmwent do something you know that will get there attention and your husband is a p***y for not dealing with it sad but true and you know it

  11. no, i dont think thats too strict for 1, they know how to manipulate at that age (as i know, my little mans 11 months)

  12. your doing a great job!

  13. I think you are doing right.. my sister does that and she studied children psichology.. so you are on the right way.. I think you are diciplinated WHICH IS REALLY IMPORTANT. I've seen this TV series called NANNY EMERGENCY which is a british-american series that have these problems and the main reason they have the problems is because parents think they cant reason with the children. Check it on YOUTUBE they have lots of videos of this British Nannies

  14. you are not only too strict but you need to have some kind of guide because for your information a one year old can never be spoiled they can't freaking talk so they get frustrated you can't pretend your child will come down by you putting her in her high chair cause then she will associate the high chair with a negative and believe me the High Chair should be her best friend you will use it later when you need to clean the floor or something you can make her color there, play with play-doh, besides eating but so not ground her in a high chair I mean really you should just email me with any other questions because I could help you lots I have a one and a half girl so I know (besides I get free guidance from a service where I live)

    she screams because she has no other way of letting you know what she wants, she will learn from your behaivior so if you freak out and scream or something thats what she goes by.

  15. Well what else would you do? Don't worry though that's not spoiled, most babies do that, aside from the hitting, they usually pull hair though, some anyway.

  16. Heck no.

  17. That doesn't sound strict, you've got to start when they're young. There's nothing worse than parents who don't discipline their kids.

    However, the nap option seems iffy to me. Your daughter may learn to associate naps with punishment, which could lead to major problems down the road.

  18. No way. You know your child better than any one. Just the fact you question yourself means you give a d**n.

    You hang in there.

  19. don't worry its not too strict at all.

    your doing the right thing i think.
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