
Am i to young for makeup?

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I'm Elvin years old and my friends say i should wear makeup am i to young to wear the following........eyeliner,eye shadow,lip gloss?




  1. well i wood say start by using tinted moisterizer and a light bronzer and eye shadow and mascara but i mean an eleven yearold wearing eyeliner and blush and **** will look a bit too wanabee

    lip gloss is good on anyone lol so that is deffs ok that will look cute as well

  2. I think you try to look more mature but at the age of 30 you'll think that 11 is not the perfect age for makeup. My advice is to try to avoid makeup untill 20. You'll see then the difference of being a girl and a woman:) Now you will look like a woman in miniature. Good luck!

  3. Hey honey, I´m 24 and yes, I think you are a little too young to be wearing make up. Play around with it at home, but I wouldn´t recommend going out wearing it.

    It´s not a good idea to try and look older at your age, Speak to your mum about it.  

  4. lip gloss. no. eye shadow. thats iffy. eyeliner. YES

  5. I wasn't allowed to wear make up until I was 13. Even then I had to fight my mom on it. Lip gloss is acceptable I think..

    My mother held a Mary Kay party at our house when the time came for me to start wearing make up so I would learn how to apply it properly. A lot of people tend to wear way to much which looks weird and can break out your skin.

    You might get your mom/Dad or a good friend to take you to a make up counter at the mall and do the same.

  6. I think light eye shadow, glimmer lip gloss and possibly mascara to accentuate your eyelashes would be fine.

  7. at age eleven, you're not to young for lip gloss.

    but wait with the eyeshadow and liner.

  8. Nah, not to young.

    But please don't over do it.

    I hate seeing young girls caked in make-up it looks awful. There's nothing wrong in wearing mascara, a light eyeshadow and lipgloss. Not eyeliner though, it looks too heavy on younger girls. I'm 14, i wear light makeup so I can laugh at all the girls with orange foundation!


  9. No sweetie, I was eleven when I started wearing make up. I think that a little eyeshadow and some lip gloss will look nice but the eyeliner needs to wait a bit.

  10. no! thats when i started wearing makeup

  11. um.... maybe not the eyeshadow.

    like just use neutral shades.

    and u can just use eyeliner on ur top or bottom lid.

    not both.

    that'd be too much.

    lip gloss is okay.

    just remember to highlight your features.

    not make yourself look like a clown

  12. When I was 11 I wore Eyeliner, Mascara and Lipgloss. But I kept it more natural looking, I barley used eyeliner. I think it's kinda young now when I look back, but I was mature so I didn't think I was young. Maybe it's the same for you, but maybe just use mascara and lipgloss for now. Natural beauty is best!

  13. NO! Do not start wearing make-up. Just enjoy being young for now!! Lip gloss is okayyy for someone your age but the other stuff can wait.

  14. well honey you should just try a natural look.

    but if you really want to wear makeup then try a little bit of eyeliner

    and some lip gloss. not too much makeup because you are a bit young. hope this helps. enjoy! :D

  15. I would just wear lip gloss and maybe some eyeliner. The problem is you are too young for relationships and s*x, but as soon as you start wearing make up and dressing up guys are going to start really taking an interest...not always good.. so just make sure you are mature enough to make the right choices.

  16. Hey!! Your 11 years old!! Enjoy being a kiddo and worry about makeup later.

    That being said, you can prep your skin early- that is wear moisturiser with spf (sunscreen) to prevent your skin getting all wrinkly. Lip balm is great!!! ( I remember using lip smackers...ahhh the good old days)  and lip gloss is okay too just don't go near the eyeliner, mascara and eye shadow- your too young.

  17. Hey ! try to keep it as natural as you can maybe not a black eyeliner but a brown one NO eyeshadow or a very natural colour and clear mascara and a nude lipgloss or clear lipgloss don't try to look older enjoy your age ... :)

  18. lip gloss is fine, but nothing else, cause when u grow up, its harmful for ur skin. its all up to u...

  19. No, i was wearing more than that at 11 lol!

    but not eyeshadow.. and remember mascara!

  20. all you need to lip gloss and mascara hun ;]

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