
...Am i too Tall?...?

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I have just recently started going out with this boy who i really like. The problem is that he is a lot smaller than me:( My friends often make nasty remarks and it makes me feel funny and weird when i'm around both of them. I need some help knowing if a girl is taller than a boy just looks funny. Thanks X




  1. if it's like a teddy bear strapped to a pony, you've got poblems

  2. Well, i was taller than my ex. People did the same thing, they called him a garden gnome and such, you just gotta live through it. if you like the guy, who cares what people think of you guys together. what matters is that you like each other. Don't listen to them. and next time that your "friends" make nasty remarks say "If you have a problem with him, then you have a problem with me" and they should stop. i said that and they didn't say it again.

  3. don't care about what ur friends think. theres nothing wrong with dating a guy who is a little shorter than you. your friends sound shallow... don't be like them

  4. Yea it is kinda funny, but thats all it is, is funny. and not even that funny.

    It's not bad or anything.

  5. Silly people will judge but they are childish so why worry.

  6. If he means something to you you will not give a d**n what other people think.

  7. Just ignore what people say.

    I can understand that it may look out of the ordinary because normally the  boy is taller than the girl but these people are your friends and they should be happy that you are going out with some one you really like and not making fun out of you and making your relationship harder.

    If you like this guy then forget about the height difference and go for it.

    Look at Tom Cruise and Katy Holmes - they have a height difference and they look fab together..

    Just take pride in what you look like and know that you are going to be this height or taller for the rest of your life so you are going to have to love yourself for who you are. :)

    Good luck with this guy and tell everyone else to grow up!


  8. And if you were?  What can you do about it?  Cut off your legs?

    Live with it.


  9. its what you feel comfortable with  

  10. I'm 5ft 9..and I'm definitely THANKFUL for my height.. ive been in the same situation as yourself..i went out with a boy shorter than me; but it wasn't really a problem because we both liked each other very much; and as for your so-called friends; i most definitely sure that they are just jealous of most tall people in today's society are professional models... don't let their nasty remarks get you down, and just be thankful that you aren't a short *** like them! TRUST ME, when your old and grey, you will appreciate your tallness, and also when you meet that 6ft Abercombie model of your dreams! ;)


  11. Most guys like tall girls. The taller the girl the longer the legs.

  12. omg nooooooooo its perfectly normalll if ure pretty nd hes cute poeple r jus jealose look at it this way beatiful baby fat kamora was taller then her husband wayyyy tallerrr most celebritys are tall nd 1 in 3 have husbnads who r short

  13. Your friends are just mean. You and the boy you like are the only people whose opinion matters, really. If you two are enjoying yourselves, does it matter what other people think  you look like.


  14. my best friend had a boy friend who was like 1 foot smaller than her but all that really matters is if u like him enough and he treats u good and the rest doesnt matter

  15. I don't think so. As long as you really like each other size shouldn't matter!

  16. no i see it all the time it's normal dont worry about what people say

  17. if he wears white clothes and u wear a black dress he will look bigger and you will look smaller XD

    or he can wear a shirt with vertical stripes

    you could use horizontal stripes but you would look fatter!

    any way how tall are you?

  18. It depends, how much do you like him? Does it bother you(or is it just your friends)? And do you feel embarrassed when your out with him?

  19. I had a bf in highschool who I was quite a bit taller than. He is way taller than me now. But anyway, you shouldn't worry what other people think, maybe your friends are jealous or something?

    Even as an adult I see short men with tall women, I don't think it looks strange or matters. It is only height.

  20. Most of the time, yes, it does look funny. But it isn't the girl that is looking funny in this situation, or even the couple in whole, unless one of them is a midget. It's the guy who looks too short, not the girl that looks to tall. You should be proud about being a tall girl, there isn't a lot of them and they are usually the most graceful and unique.  

  21. agreed u might want to find a taller guy or just go thru the making fun of

  22. Maybe he's too short lol, how tall are you and how tall is he?

    I answered yours, so can you answer mine please?;...

  23. I have to admit that is pretty funny  

  24. Dont listen to them, i bet there just jealous!!!

    This pic might cheer you up ...

  25. no.........not at all

  26. Maybe he will grow taller...  Why care about what you look like to others?  There are no "height police" going around.  I bet he hates having a girlfriend with lovely long legs!!  

        Don't give it another thought!
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