
Am i too heterosexual?

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i am a dude. I feel uncomfortable shaking another guys hand or hugging another guy, even in a friendly fashion. (of course I do shake hands and give friendly hugs, and i try to hide the fact that it makes me cringe)

My friend's sister likes me, but I can't stand the thought of kissing her because she reminds me of my friend.

Is it possible to be too straight? Is something wrong with me? Is this normal?




  1. You are okay - you just don't like a lot of physical contact with people.  How old are you?  This might be a phase.  

  2. I'm assuming that your friend is a guy. Thats kind of weird, but hugs to another guy is kind of weird in the first place. Some would say that you are what you most odnt agree with but i don't believe that true i think that you were raised as me in a house that really didn't show emotion, everyone might have loved one another but really didn't show emotion. So when someone comes around that is used to hugs and the like its awkward being placed in that position.

  3. No i guess it's fine. You just don't like guys and feel uncomfortable to think of them in that way, perfectly normal for a straight guy.

    lol you said you don't feel comfortable giving friendly guys to your guy friends but in my school they totally jump on each other and it's hilarious because all the girls make fun of them for acting g*y but we're only joking around.

  4. What is it SPECIFICALLY that makes you dislike touching?

    Is it ONLY guys or all people?

    you can't be TOO hetero, but you can be Homophobic.

    What is it about this girl that reminds you of your friend?

    what happens if you think of kissing your friend?

    good luck

  5. Maybe you're not comfortable with yourself and you're actually homophobic.  Or maybe you're trying to hide that you're actually homosexual.

  6. Almost sounds like your homophobic, not sure yeah if your friends sister looks like him that's creepy for sure.  But not wanting to shake hands a little weird I guess just keep doing it one day you should get over it.  Maybe you were molested or something as a child and men make you unconfortable or maybe you just dont like the people your hugging and you should find different friends?  kinda weird though

  7. You sound insecure to me

  8. In the early days when g**s were in the closet,it seemed better all around, but now that it"s in the open its promoted in everything,  just as integration was forced down peoples throat opening a can of worms what next bestiality and eventually pedophilia,I try to be as open minded as possible but when innocent kids sitting in front of television ask questions and mimic, the decline of civilization is starts somewhere,

  9. I don't think it's a question of you being 'too straight' but perhaps you have space issues and do not enjoy your space being invaded by strangers.  I don't think that you really have anything to worry about.

  10. You might be so straight

    that your




  11. no nothings with you but (definately not getting best answer now) are you homaphobe?


  12. Yeeep your overdoing there, coz if its on your mind all the time then its something to worry about. Think of it this way, if you have turn every time you see a guy topless or not shake his hand, it means you doubt your sexuality.

  13. It's not that you're too heterosexual; it seems like you're a bit homophobic.  

    Not wanting to shake hands is a bit strange, it seems to me, but I am not an expert.  Perhaps it's something you could learn to do without a problem.  

  14. You're not too straight you're too homophobic.  

  15. You might be a little homophobic, or you've just got some intimacy issues.

  16. Well before we get on to your straightness issue lets resolve the sister thing:

    Don't get involved with your mates sister because (a) Its your friends face but with long hair and smaller hands (b) he might not like it.  So I dont think you have a problem with that.

    About the rest of the stuff, you do come across as a bit over the top, are you trying to make up for something, you know overcompensate?

    If it turns out your just not a touchy feely kinda guy, nothing wrong with that also.

    Hope that helps :P
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