
Am i too late, is something going to turn horribly wrong if i fall will i take it all?

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school for 2 years has been pressuring i am a changed person i am very quiet, placid and yet extremely violent went pushed too far. i don't care anymore either getting good marks is really all that matters i have no interest in a girl friend i walk past friends with a blank face, i openly lie to people who ask about my suspicious packages containing chemicals [with ease and somewhat sounds good and i am telling the lie] i use to make homemade explosives. i feel hateful to the people i past and talk to myself in my head freqently do they know i can kill them all? do you think it's too late to have faith/hope? and no sucide has not crossed my mind i just want to cause pain.




  1. Professional help is the best course to take from here.  I, nor anyone else on here, can help answer the question that deep deep down, you are asking.

  2. if girls can't help you out,pets pets helped me out of a really rough patch earlier. or try doing a good deed every day, karma has its day..., or even think of something worse, like falling so deeply in love with a guy you know you can't get,cuz he's billions of miles apart......or knowing that you're the family's least favourite person....try it!

  3. Are you d**k Chaney?

  4. Well, obviously you know you have a problem. And Yahoo Answers is going to help. You need to see a professional... nobody on here can help you.

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