
Am i too old?!?!?!?!?

by Guest67013  |  earlier

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hi, im 14 years old and my and my cuzins still want to go trick or treating, like and with coustums and hair and makeup and everything, i really like it but do u think were too old??





  1. i  was 15 last halloween and one old lady said i was too wtf?? i came here to get candy...not how old i am u old hag lol she was so d**n grumpy!!!

  2. not rlly, i mean i still go trick or treating n im 16, its prtty kool to juz go trick or treating with friends, plus its FREE CANDY!!!! after trick or treating we watch some movie we rent at blockbuster n eat candy, so yah ur not too old! if someone else says u are, then they are juz jealous ur getting all the candy n good stuff while they get squat-nothing lol XD

  3. I&#039;m 18 and I&#039;m still going to be trick-or-treating. If you&#039;re chaperoning some kids, why should you stick out like a sore thumb? Having fun never has an age limit.

  4. Im 18 and I still go trick or treating!(but it helps having a small child with you.)

  5. Go! Free candy FTW!

  6. My friends and I went through 8th grade (so 13) we stopped in high school and started going to parties.

  7. Not at all, I&#039;m 19 and still go;)

  8. It&#039;s not very safe anyway, have a party instead.

  9. ahaha ur never too old  4 trick or treating! its free candy! come on! lol im 14 and i&#039;m definitely going to go this year (:

  10. no im 16 and me and all my friends are going haha

  11. it&#039;s not too old(= i see adults doing it too.

  12. I would say your a little to old. Try throwing a Halloween party instead. I&#039;m throwing a masquerade one this year. They are so fun because nobody knows who you are...

  13. I stopped after I started high school.

    But I&#039;ll still have some friends over, rent some scary movies, and dress up just for the fun of it. :P

  14. haha, no, you&#039;re not to old.

    me and my friends intend on going this year and we&#039;re 14&amp;15

  15. Haha, uh,;s free candy.

    Go for it.

    Just make sure that you don&#039;t go in a neighboorhood where a lot of people aka that adorable boy from your history class... lives.

    Just as a shallow tip.


    No, but seriously, free candy, go for it.

  16. Meh, I know some 16 year olds that go trick or treating, so go for it! =P

    Enjoy your child hood while you can!!


    lmao pinkflames.

    Stupid hag, how dare she deny you your right to get free candy!

  17. go to a halloween party, i&#039;m 13 and that&#039;s what I do.

    (somebody almost always throws one)

  18. no its just something fun to do

  19. no

  20. I went when I was 14.

    Edit: We didn&#039;t dress up, and we only did it because we were really bored.

  21. I think 14 is typically the cut off age.  Stop going when YOU feel like you&#039;re too old.  It&#039;ll probably be next year.
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