
Am i too old to go to full time university?

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hye guys, got a question, im 29 and im thinking of going to study full time in a university in usa on a student exchange,i have already completed 1 years work of study for my degree here in australia, do u think im too old to go full time to uni???




  1. No. I go to school with full-time student SENIORS. 29 isn't even close to too old.

  2. well im going to be a senior in high school and from my point of view i dont think it would be weird or you would be too old to go back to school many adults do it and if you want to then you should

  3. h**l no! WHat I love about the States is that there is no age limit  (unlike in European countries) whenit comes to education and learning.

  4. Never too old

  5. Education has no age level requirement!

    Personally, I went back and completed high school when I was 26, then went on to Uni a couple years later. I am still planning on doing more studying and am envious that you have such a fantastic opportunity :)

    Also, there is a woman who is now 93 and just keeps going back and getting degrees from Adelaide Uni to keep her mind nimble.

    Grab it and go for it imo

  6. No. Go for it. It is never to late.

  7. Gurl, my grandma is 80 is she goes to university. YOU CAN NEVER BE OLD TO LEARN. OLD DOGS CAN LEARN NEW TRICKS!

  8. I hope you do go because I would love to see the look on your face when you realize half the class are in their upper 40's.

  9. Not at all!

  10. Dude, you are a young pup...I'm in school, and I will be 43 by the time I am done.  Good luck with your studies....

  11. Nobody is ever too old to stop learning or seeking a higher education.

    Remember, even at 29, you still have about 40-50 years of life left... life that would be a lot more fulfilling (and more full of money) if you had more education!

  12. I am 45 next Saturday and because of a back injury I can no longer do the work I love as a carpenter ,so I am hoping to start a Social Studies Course( 4 years) in September.

  13. OF COURSE NOT!!!  

    Please, continue your education (and besides, 29 is not, what I, would consider old.)


  14. Not at all.

    This is America young lad or lass

    Seriously, bring money ;)

  15. You are not to old or too young.

  16. Definitely not, I go to a full time university and I've seen people nearly twice your age. Don't worry so much about what people think, if you act as if you belong they won't think twice about it.

  17. YOU ARE NEVER TO OLD TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL! My mother was 43 when she went to medical school, and guess what? She's a doctor now! So go ahead and apply, you can do it!

  18. No I went to university in my late twenties and never looked back lol...

  19. No, never too old. There are a lot of senior citizens enrolled at my school so I know your not too old plus there is no such thing. As long as you have the mental capacity to learn then you can attend school

  20. i dont think you are too old

    education is good for any age!

  21. You are never too old to accomplish your dreams... Remember that the age is in your mind.

    Be confident!

  22. I have an MA economics and MSc transport planning and would like to study for 6 months in the USA - any course in LA or Texas....can you help me find something? :)

  23. Got my first degree at 26, my second at 32 and my most recent at 42. Going back again soon. Keep going!

  24. You are never to old. My grandma still goes to school sometimes and when asked why she says " Because I don't want my brain to go stale!" Good advice from an old lady.

  25. Definitely not. I am almost 54 and have been in uni for almost 4 years. Started at Southern Cross University at Tweed GoldCoast campus. Now transferred to Bond University Gold Coast - Humanities. Go for it man, chase your dreams.

  26. There are people three times your age going full time to university. Sounds like very interesting opportunity or total ripe off if everything double checks out and you can handle airline price then go for it your a pup.

  27. No way! I started my current course this year at 23 and now I've deferred to have a baby. I'll be taking it back up later on and adding to my course so I don't expect to be finished until my 30's. It's different for mature age students but they're really supportive her in Oz so I imagine they'll be as supportive over there. My Mum did her uni in her late 30's too and she'll be going back soon (she's 41).

  28. no no one can be old enough to not go to uni

  29. no one is never too old to go to school.

  30. You are never too old to go to school and continue your learning.

  31. There are people of all ages attending universities in the U.S.  Schools that have large graduate programs always have lots of older students on campus and there are many "non-traditional" students at the universities these days.

    My mother returned to the university to get a second undergraduate degree when she was 60 years old.  She told me her professors seemed like "nice boys".

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