
Am i too old to try Diving?

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I'm 18 years old (though I look young for my age XD) and I'm wondering if I am too old to try diving. As far as I know, most athletes start when they are, like, less than 8 years old.

I hadn't really ever payed attention to diving until Beijing 2008 (about a week ago haha), but I learned about Tom Daley and I noticed how cool this sport actually is.

Anyway, I am not exactly fit, I mean, I'm not a couch potato (I used to be but not anymore), but I don't work out that much. I used to swim when I was younger (like 10 years old). I am not exactly agile. I like to walk back from school, which takes me about an hour (does that even count? haha XD). Blargh, I got carried away. The thing is I am a little under the average fitness (I think). Am I too old (or unfit) to try out diving?




  1. I'm in the same boat!!

    Except I just turned 19 the day the Olympics opened. Although I do sound more active that someone like yourself, I'm starting here in a couple weeks.

    Why not? What have you got to loose? I emailed my local USA Diving Club and they (with enthusiasm) told me our age is not, by any means, too late to start diving!

  2. I'm in the same boat too. I'm 15 though. I want to start diving and I also have never dove and am not in great shape. I'm working on it though. Yeah, that Tom Daley really inspired me and I'm sure a lot of other people. That 10 meter platform diving is pretty sick though. Anyways, email me. I want to talk to you. Since we are like in the same situation.

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