
Am i too old too start tumbling?

by  |  earlier

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i am a 13 yr old boy i need too know




  1. nope!!! nuff said...

  2. No, all of the guys on my cheer team started around your age.

  3. no way! most of the guys that i know that tumble started when they were 13

  4. no your not. when your like in your 20's then your too old. but this is the prime of your youth! and is a great age to start because you can take direction and understand things.

    so i say go for it. :D

  5. nope.. i started cheerleading when i was 13... i cant do back habd springs any more like i could when i was like 10 but thts cuz i stoped doin them and my cheerleading dont have tumbling in it.. i mean at halftime if u kno how to tumble they let u but they dont teach it.. i dont think ur too old.. go ahead and tumble away baby!!!good luck

  6. yes and no. yes because as you age it becomes harder for your body to do some of these things, even if it means your 4 going on 5. no because just because other peoples bodies may be harder for them to ajust, it may not take any effect on your body. Plus, you are still young so you will be able to learn these things at a younger age. The only downfall is that you may not be as good as people who have been practicing since they were 3 or so. but good luck with what you do.

  7. no way.

    some guys on my cheer team didnt start tumbling

    until high school

  8. Your not to old to start tumbling!!

    That is so young you would be great in tumbling as long as you work hard!

    At our gym we have adult tumbling classes so your fine so go ahead and start tumbling!

    *** Good luck! ***

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