
Am i too skinny? please help!!?

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Everyone thinks i am anorexic. i am 5 ft 5 in and weigh 97lbs.

i dont eat that much. because when i do i dont feel good. and feel like i am gonna throw up or something...

how should i gain? am i too skinny?




  1. No..I think your REALLY pretty. But maybe you should, its your decition!!

  2. I think you are a little fatty but maybe is the jacked faking it.

  3. Well you don't look like you are really young (11-12) So you should gain some weight! Gaining wait would probably make you look better (not saying you look bad).  It depends on how old you are for much weight you should gain- if you are 13-15 Then try to get to about 110  If you are 17 + 150 is about the highest you should go to have a healthy weight.  Right now just take it slow.  One way to gain weight is to eat before you go to bed.  It doesn't have to be a lot, just eat something small.  Also if you are still concerned, think about going to a nutritionist.

  4. Are you feeling ok? What does your doctor say?

    If you're fine then it's your complexion, don't worry about it. I'm very skinny too, I understand what you mean because I can't eat that much either.

    Hope it helps!


  5. eat more.  

  6. Whether you're too skinny or not, you're not eating properly.

    Im pretty skinny but im happy with the way i eat, its healthy, im never ill, and dont get too tired. I find it hard to put on weight.

    It sounds like you are skinny because you dont eat much, not that you are just naturally skinny.  You need to go to the doctor about your weight.  It's probably a mental thing, causing you to feel sick when you eat. Im sure you are the type to eat nothing at all when you are nervous? when you're anxious you stomache prodruces a gas or acid or something, basically makes you feel as though you are full, therefore making it almost impossible to eat without feeling sick.

    Your doctor might advise you to go to a therapist, if you have any problems that needing sorted out then this might help and bring your appetite back.  I go through periods of worry and some days eat very little like you, i get sick for no reason etc. nothing to do with me physically, but mentally.

    im sure you're not anorexic since you dont think you look fat do you? You need to try and ignore the people calling you anorexic, even my friends say stuff to me about my weight that really upsets me sometimes. just explain to them its not really any of their business

    definitely see your doctor - you arn't too skinny though i dont mean to alarm you at all, its just the amount you're eating. If you said you ate a good diet and i saw the picture i would think you were perfectly healthy.   hope all goes well :)

  7. Not skinny. Just bad posture.

  8. ur pretty thin yeah, but ur not disgusting lookin or anything i mean ur a pretty girl, i wouldn't think anorexic

    but i would see a doctor about that u might have a digestive problem that's keeping u from eating cause that doesn't sound right, especially u getting a fever and all, yeah u should really see a doctor.

  9. you look like you are at a good weight, but if you look at the numbers, 97lbs and 5 ft 5, it's bad, that's a realllllyyyyy low weight for that height!!! you aren't even in the hundreds!! is this really true?? check out this chart:

    if your weight is really that, then i suggest gaining weight, even if you look normal, i don't think it's healthy...

  10. Maybe you have a eating disorder?

    i cant tell because your wearing a sweater and stuff

    but you look fine too me

  11. No, They must be jealous then cause I think you're pretty.

  12. I know what you mean!  I'm 5'0" and people think I'm anorexic at 78 lbs.  You look really good, at a healthy weight!!  I'm a gymnast so that's why I'm skinny, and people at my school are really jealous of some of us thin girls.  They are probably just jealous of you, too.  You're tall for your age (no offense intended) - I'm 13 and 5 ft!  But you definitely are not too skinny.  If you still feel that way look up BMI on the internet to find out if you're in the healthy weight zone just to make sure.

  13. you look great and don't gain weight when you gain it ur going to regret it,maybe those ppl that tell u that r just jealous,u look normal sized to me oh and you don't look 13

  14. This is actually quite a serious problem, no matter what you may like to think. And to answer your question, yes, you are unhealthly skinny.

    You need to see your doctor to find out why you can only eat half a sandwhich without feeling sick. Even if you don't go that often, now you definitely need to go. You could be deprived of necessary things you need to have a healthy and balanced diet.  

  15. you seem absolutely fine to me. most likely those people are jealous. ignore them

  16. Try and work on your posture... you're very slouched which actually makes you appear skinnier. Try drinking protein shakes to bulk up without eating too much if you're sensitive to foods.

  17. I think you're pretty skinny...but if you're feeling healthy then it's okay. Although, one thing that might be taken into consideration, my friend's brother was born with his intestines tied and he couldn't keep much down. I don't think this is your problem but maybe it's like something wrong with your stomach, but idk.  

  18. u should gain at least 35 pounds. u skinny :l no offence

  19. Well, to me you look average. If you get sick when you eat then maybe you should go see a doctor. I hope I helped!

  20. Oh wow, I am as tall as you and I weigh just one more pound than you. Hehe, everyone tells me that too, that I'm anorexic (which isn't true).

    Well, I heard that drinking warm milk with honey helps you gain weight. You could try that.

    Or you could eat something every few hours (like a bunch of fruits or whatever) whether you're hungry or not. Try this for a few weeks maybe. This way, you're not really over eating and you won't feel sick. I've tried this, and I gained at least 5 more lbs.

    Hope that helps. But, you don't gain have to gain weight if you don't want to. I don't think you're anorexic.  

  21. no i don't think that you are too skinny. if you want to gain weight which i don't think you need to, maybe if you ate foods that you really like so you don't feel sick

    and you are about the same size as most of my friends  

  22. your fine hunny

    dont try to rush the weight...

    it will come eventually

  23. You're very pretty! :) I guess you're just the kind of girl whose body is the skinny type. But by the numbers you said, 97 and 5'5 is a little unhealthy, I think you should gain just a little bit more :)

  24. Ask you doctor =]

  25. You would look healthier with more weight.. You do look a little anorexic, but it's also important to understand everyone has a different body type.. Some naturally thick and some naturally more slender than average.

  26. It is not right if you get sick from eating only a half a sandwich. I use to have anorexia/bulimia and this sounds similar. I would have the stomach pains and drowsiness. Talk to a doctor and see what they can do for you. I am 5'5 also and weigh 118 lbs. My doctor says this a good weight for our height. You aren't ugly at all. Don't put yourself down and don't let people judge you. Try to eat a little more and don't feel self conscious about it. Good luck hun!

  27. Okay...if you are honestly looking for an answer and not just random guys to tell you how cute they think you are, then yes...for your height, you are under weight.  To determine if you have an eating disorder, you would need to talk to a trained specialist.  However, I am curious as what you mean by when you say "i don't eat that much".  Can you finish a sandwich ...not loaded but just a regular peanut butter and jelly sandwich for example?

  28. i think you look just fine and whoever said you were too skinny hasnt seen what too skinny it,you look fine to me and if you were anorexic you wouldnt look healthy and to me you do look healthy.if you want to gain weight you could eat protien bars and stuff like that.

  29. believe me your not anorexic but if you really want to gain some pounds try getting milkshakes or starbucks often.

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