
Am i too young to get engeged?

by Guest64339  |  earlier

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im 16 years old and im truely inlove with my boyfriend who has now proposed to me and i said yes. im soo happy but feel lik im too young to get engaged what are your thoughts about this? x




  1. i think your to young, i'm 16 i don't want to get engaged yet lol. I think if you think it can work and he thinks it can then why not? What ever makes you happy :)

    Good Luck :)  

  2. yeah

  3. if you feel like you're too young then maybe you should wait a while. personally, i wouldn't because it may seem okay now but you never know what could happen in say, a couple of years time. do what you feels best.

    good luck hun x

  4. I think you're way too young, you have so much life ahead of you. At least wait until you graduate high can tell a lot in two years. And it's not like you can get married before you turn 18 because you'd need parental permission. If your boyfriend loves you enough to want to get married, he'll be fine with waiting 2 or 3 years to get engaged.

  5. if you cant spell it dont do it

    Plus 16 is too young, stop being crazy!!!


  7. yes you are. dont you want to go to college and get a good job? plus love at 16 is usually just infatuation. how long have you even been going out? have you met each others parents? how much do you know about him? do you think you are ready to live with him? where would you live? can you even drive yet? have you ever fought with each other? how many people have you had a serious relationship with? how can you be sure that he is "the one" at such an early age, when you have so little experience?

  8. way way way too young. you arent even old enough to spell the word "engaged" properly for goodness sake!

    just wait. if its meant to be then you will be glad to wait.

  9. please wait.

    just make the engagement ring a promise ring.

    you have your whole life ahead of you hun.  

  10. i think that 16 is a very young age to get engaged, but if you plan on waiting to get married till you're in your twenties, it's not so bad. also, if you feel you're too young, then go with what your heart is telling you. you don't want to be unhappy down the road.

  11. you cant even spell it and you want to do it? LOL

  12. No your'e not too young , you can get engaged at any age as long as you are in a sturdy relationship that you are comfertable with.

    If you feel your in a good relationship then its good , but dont get married to young because you would want to be free with your friends and stuff

    but congradulations :)

  13. and long have you been going out? 1 month?

    wait a few more years if you together then get married, whats the rush?

    too much, too young, too fast

  14. You are definitely too young.

  15. I know you think you're in love with this guy, but it's just hormones that got released in your brian, I think that if you two are still together when you're 18, then sure, what the h**l go ahead. But right now, you still have your whole life ahead of you. And if you get married your bined to a life long commitent. youth is a gift and you only get it once... :( make it last, have fun with your life, before you take it too seriously.

    oh yeah and my parents got married after 7 YEARS OF DATING!!!

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