
Am i unattractive? (pics included)?

by  |  earlier

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Now, i'm asking this question mostly because my whole life i grew up being called ugly or being rejected by girls. i did used to have acne and a horrible sense of fashion before but even with the acne gone and a pretty good sense of fashion, girls still seem to ignore me making me feel ugly in return. In terms of my personality, im pretty chill, rarely get angry, love to laugh and make people laugh with jokes, not quick to judge, treat people with respect, kind, care about people's feelings, think deep thoughts, artistic, and love to sing. I'm 18 and never had a girlfriend. Now, i'm not a depressed person at all but this does bother me and i do question it. what do you think?

here's a picture too:




  1. no... those people just being stupid

  2. well i don't like you but i think others would

  3. your not ugly!! u just havent come across the people that like ur type of person yet

  4. u look fine to me and i like ur hair u should let it grow out into a curly afro

  5. wow, you look exactly like your avatar..

  6. Bro if they dont like you they dont deserve you simple as that.

  7. i think u are attractive!

    i just think u need to get a new haircut/hairstyle!

    the one u have right now doesnt really look good with ur facial shape!

  8. You look honestly & seriously adorable x)

    Your blessed as you seem to have a great,beautiful personality and appareance.Please stay the way you are.

    We always say that men can be too choosy sometimes but girls sometimes might be too-Which sucks.

    The most important thing is to always love & embrace yourself the way you are.


  9. u r not ugly at all!

    ur HOT actually!

    don't wrry about those pplz who ignored u. they just don't know what a great guy there missing.

    don't wrry. one day sooner or later u will find a right gurl, not mrs.perfect but just right for u.

  10. youre totally attractive. you are not ugly at all. dont let people tell you that. i guess they just have problems,

  11. I would.

  12. your hot, trust me, got that whole smouldering thing going on, just need to get some more confidence!

  13. I think you're very attractive indeed :)

  14. ur not thattt ugly

    ur normal

    ugly is like marilyn manson

    honestly, ppl judge you too hard

  15. You're not ugly at ALL! exotic looking and i would even say hot! .. but your personality stroke me more.. i wish there were more guys like you! don't worry about not being the center of girls attention. The girls that are around guys all the time don't diserve you anyway, and they're probably just intimidated by you. Just wait, the right girl will come along who will appreciate all your good qualities. take care!

  16. u r attractive in your own way

  17. You aren't ugly at all, I wouldn't worry about being called ugly either because people can find features on great looking people that they consider to be ugly, they are just shallow. You will find a girlfriend soon enough, especially if you keep throwing yourself into social situations, someone will eventually catch on to your great personality.  

  18. Wo nice hair??

    You look like one of those guys who can burst out at any moment and kill us all so I'm a little afraid of you NO OFFENCE ofcorse....

    Your welcome!

  19. Are you from jungle ?

  20. I never answer these kinds of questions and if i did it would only be to ridicule the person. Not for their looks, but for their vanity. I'm only answering to tell you i was in the same place. I looked how i wanted to look but i seemed to be the only one noticing. Looking back, im kind of glad that happened because it made me love myself when no one else did. Pull your shoulders back, chin up, and smile with your eyes. It'll never fail you.

    You have to love yourself before you can truly let anyone else love you. Good luck. All youve ever needed has been inside you the whole time. You do have natural beauty. I can see it, and i bet if you can too, so will others.

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