
Am i underpaid???

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Im a receptionist/service co-ordinator for a relatively small company. i just turned 21 and am only paid $22,000 pa incl tax. i feel ripped off for my hard work 40hrs per week.. what do u guys think.




  1. I have recently moved away from reception into administration and I would say you are on the lower end of the wages band for our profession. You are 21 with 3 years reception experience. That is worth a lot. When I was your age working reception I was on about $25K I think.

    In my last position (I am only 24 BTW) I was being paid $33K a year inc tax for reception work with a bit of PA work involved as well.

    Test the waters and go see a few quality recruiting agencies and see what they tell you. Avoid the Sarina Russo franchise type places and go to the upmarket boutique firms.

  2. entry level pay sounds about right do your time you will start getting paid in a few years

    well since u have 3 yrs exp start sending your resume out and ask for more money or even point it out to your employer that you would appreciate a raise for all of your hard work they may give it to you

  3. go to

  4. I say you are luck. Why because some of us just getting $250 per week.

  5. sounds about right, entry pay........stay for a while so you have something on your resume.  Also depends on which city you live in and any benefits you may have (insurance, vacation/sick days)....

  6. I would go and see a few of the recrutiment agencies and they will be able to help you find a new job and guide you on a suitable salary.

    Have a look on Seek or careerone and see which agencies are advertising jobs in your area for your level.

    I think you are definitely not earning enough.  You can earn a lot more temping as well.  A lot of temp jobs are for 3-6 months and then you become permanent.

  7. for a yearley salery at those hos a week and as far as what is held out for federal as well state taxes. in my opion  very much you are underpaid if you also have to pay medical cost as well you did not mentation this . my opion yes you are underpaid?

  8. Jebus!  I am a Lab Coordinator and I make only 8K more per year than you do.  You are definitely getting a good wage.

  9. u are under paid come and live in the uk like so many other auzzies. we get paid better here
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