
Am i underweight?Or is it normal?

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I'm 17 and i weigh 94 pounds.

People say i look anorexic.

But I don't think I do.

I don't have an eating disorder i eat normal.

My mom says that some people with a fast

metabolism can look very skinny but are still healthy.

Is that true or do I have something wrong with me?




  1. It depends on your height, if you're say over 5'5 as said above then you'd be close to being underweight. And yea, you also probably have a high metabolism =P. As long as you aren't too tall thats a healthy weight.

  2. At 5ft and 94lbs your BMI is 18.4 which means you are slightly underweight. under 18.5 is underweight. You seem healthy to me, though as long as you eat enough, you are just naturally like that. I have a BMI of 17.8 but I am completely healthy and I don't look anorexic. Don't worry about it :)

  3. It depends on how tall you are. I am 5, 24 years old and weigh 95 lbs  

  4. you probably have a fast metabolism. How tall are you? If you're like,4'9 you are fine, but if, say, you're 5'5 i might suggest putting on a couple lbs.

  5. It really depends on how tall you are and your BMI (body mass index), if it is under 20 then you are underweight. take your weight in kg and divide it by you height in metres squared.

  6. Sounds overweight to me.

  7. it depends, if you are 5.7'' tall or under its ok I mean wow i with i was that skiny, and those people that say ur anorexic they r just jalouse.

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