
Am i unhealthy skinny?

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so i weight about 96 pounds

I'm 5"1

I'm not wide.

and i want to lose my weight but some of my friends ***** at me about.

i have a little belly that i want GONE

like yea not that big and all but i want a flat belly like it's odd how it looks.

like the top part is flat sorta sticks out but i think that cause i been doing ab work outs but the bottom part seems like fat idk what to do i gone on all crazy diets any ideas does anyone else have this promble?

or work outs?




  1. go to

    I know someone who went on this diet and lost A LOT of weight really fast. The best part is, is that it is cheap. Good luck!

  2. I am 24, 5'0" andhave weighed 96-100 since I was 17.

    You sound fine to me, I also have that little pouch you speak of, it is only something you will loss by doing ab work outs and eating RIGHT, not dieting, not splurging on sugars, etc. Don't diet, you don't need to and it won't really help.

    Good luck

  3. Don't listen to people who don't know what the h**l they are talking about. YOU ARE UNDERWEIGHT. Only slightly, but still underweight. You need to exercise and tone up, build muscle.

    Make sure you have at least 1,200 calories a day. Break it up into 6 small meals of 200-300 calories each. Space the meals 3-4 hours apart.

    Cadio exercise 5 days a week at least in 30 min. - 60 min. sessions. If you skip one, don't freak out about it. Stay motivated.

    Weightlifting every other day! Eat lots of protein, drink only water and Crystal Light Energy, and get enough fiber/calcium.

    You may want to consider taking a multi-vitamin and calcium+vitamind d supplement.

    Good luck!

  4. 3 words for you: heat, exercise (in general, you know, cardiac, resistance, etc.), and a good meal.

    1) you need heat, and lots of it (but don`t get burned, OK?) what you can do is heat water in the microwave Ind pour it on a towel and wrap it around your stomach for 5 minutes every day, this will make you fat go away.

    2) start and stay at 5 pounds for 5 minutes, and 1/2 a mile every day, make sure that if you make you workout more intense, follow the 10% rule (you can only up 10% a week)

    3) eat well, and try to get up to 110 pounds (not weight lifting).

  5. You're still in the healthy weight - the lower range that is. You don't need to go on all those crazy diets, they're pretty much all just variations of each other. A good idea would be to do some simple cardio workouts once every other day for 30m-1h. I've been doing it for about 2 months and my belly's disappeared =D.

  6. That weight is perfect.  Yes you are skinny, you do not need to lose or gain weight.  
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