
Am i weird or sick? plz tell me?

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ok. im 17. i have always hated what i looked like. i dont think im that ugly but i know im fat. im tired of it. i lost 13 lbs over the summer and at first i was really proud of myself but i didnt see alot of changes to my body. so maybe a week later i was back to feeling disqusting again. im really trying to lose alot. my goal is to get to 150. the other day i told one of my teachers about how much i lost and she started lecturing me about how ill never be the size that her and the 3 girls in my class are. ***** right? i wanted to die right then. it made me feel so bad that i wanted to crawl into a hole and never come back out. =..( grrr i hate her. i sick, wierd...what? im not sure so any advice or comments would be great thanks




  1. First your teacher is an ***.  She should encourage you to go for what you want in life.  There is nothing you can't accomplish if you put your mind to it.

    I went thru the same thoughts when i was your age.  it's all natural.

    You should worry about eating healthy at your age.  Don Colberts books are good if you have a library nearby.  You can also find most healthy information on the net.  Basically cut out sodas, candies, prcoessed and refined foods.  Eat natural meals.  Eat fruits, vegetables, salads.  Get plenty of exercise.  Start walking, riding a bicycle on a regular basis.  

  2. First off, who cares what other people think. They have no right to say or lecture you about your body. I'm almost in the same hole as you. But then I realized this is me. Why change everything about myself to become like people on the news or magazines. I'm 19 and I'm a little overweight. Who CARES! Just be yourself. And let me tell you, I was very uncomfortable about my body and my self. To each their own. If your serious about losing weight, try cutting calorie intake... 150lbs to maintain is 1500 calories... so cut it down to 1000-1200. Add exercise and there you go.

    Maybe see a counselor. DOn't worry, it isn't that bad. They are there to listen not criticize.

    I wish you the best of luck in whatever you pursue. Don't let people get you down. They are probably jealous of you. Be Yourself. Be Fabulous.  

  3. You show that horrible teacher what you got and lose that weight! Be smaller than her! Then look who has the last laugh! And btw you aren't sick or weird you are perfectly normal, just a little insecure. Your body is right when you are comfortable girl. If your not, then you probably need to lose a little bit. You can do it! Good luck,  I know how tough this is :(

    Now you go lose it and laugh in that teacher sorry face!!!

    xoxoxoxoxo smile often!

  4. its normal. as teenage girls, we all go through this phase during our teenage-hood. just learn to love yourself and your body. i did that too, and lost about 15 pounds in 2 months(about the same time as you did) and yeah, i still feel like i need to lose weight, but i'm learning to accept it and just hope that either i'll grow really tall and it'll all stretch out or that i'll be rich and can get lipo done. haha. maybe you should try one of those slendertone belts. it might work and if it doesn't just return it.

  5. Hey, you look pretty though. And it's better than being skinny like me because there is nothing I can do about it. I wouldn't worry about being a bit overweight because you have a pretty face and that's one of the most important things. I know what its like, I have been wondering for the past day what people think of me and honestly, I don't think I should have asked. I feel like I am drowning in my sorrow, and should just lie down and die. Can you see what you think of me from my questions and see if you see what other people do too? Please.

  6. Everyone thinks like that from time to time.

    I always hated my body and I'm a guy, fairly fit. I even stay at home most of the time because I feel so disgusting even though I'm a really nice guy and better than most of these guys that just sit around smoking. I dont know what it is, we just want to reach a certain level of p'erfection. But lately I've learned. It isn't worth it. This life, Your body, Is only temporary. Take care of it, but Don't try to become  a statue. You seem like a really amazing person, Don't let your body defy you. Trust me. Take care of yourself, being  a bit on the chubby side doesn't make you fat really. If you can walk without Limping, and can control your habbits I don't see the problem.

    Be safe, goodluck.

  7. wow that teacher .. u better report he/she or something so they get fired..

  8. What the h**l kinda teacher do you have? JEEZ!

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