
Am i wierd, i am an environmentalist.?

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all of my friends think im odd because i care about the environment passionatley. i clean up pollution, am a vegitarian, work on an environmental project, have to (cannot stand litter) pick up litter, have peace signs everywhere, try to stop violence, am anti war, things like that. is this odd? most people i know think im eccentric i just dont want future generations to never see the stars or not see grass grow. is this weird at all?




  1. If you're weird, I'm weird too. Plus, who wants to be "normal" anyway? How boring is that?

  2. If your weird, then I am happy to be in your company.

    your progressive.


  4. Great job. You love our mother. What can anyone say about that. Be happy. Love life and do what you want. I went to Focus the Nation tonight. I founded We all want the same things. Safe streets, power to live by, love, and a better place for our children.

  5. Yes, you are, because what you describe goes beyond mere environmentalism.  How do you clean up pollution?  For most people this means picking up trash, but trash is in itself not  generally harmful to the ecosystem, it merely offends our esthetic sensibilities.  Other things are far more polluting, and more difficult to control.  Or we're less willing to do so...I just love seeing an SUV with an environmental-themed bumper sticker.  I know few people who favor war or violence, but that doesn't mean that I know none.  So we have everything from the town cop to a standing army, and the trick is in learning the reasons for aggression to reduce the need for a violent defense, and in limiting the violent response to a reasonable level.  Even vegetarianism has its limits.  I recently discovered that a surprising number of people have chronic kidney disease, and they cannot get protein from vegetable sources because in order to do so you need healthy kidneys to process the extra waste involved.  No, your final statement is more alarmist than realistic and points to some underlying insecurity that has nothing to do with the environment.

  6. I think what you are doing is great. People have always made comments about me picking up litter. I don't really care. I want the world to be in good shape for generations to come.

    Don't pay attention to them. Be proud because you are different from them by doing the right things.

    Try to find some environmental groups in your city. You will find many people who think like you.

  7. I am the same exact way! Nothing to be ashamed about, you are one of the few that actually care!! That's admirable. Don't change, this world needs more people like you!

  8. h**l no it's not weird. You've got a heart, and compassion. You think of other people and other life forms

    The selfish jerks that don't care about anyone or anything but themselves. THEY are weird. I myself could never understand the mentality of some of these Fur hunters, that are so passionate to tear the flesh off still living animals. It's scary what kind of people they must be

  9. You are doing a great job. Keep it up and don't stop believing, I want to pick up trash too on the grass. I trying to help the environment by not wasting food and by not throwing away recycle things. God Bless You and have a good weekend.

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