
Am i wrong for leaving work?

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Im 15 weeks pregnant today and its my last day at work.

I quit because im not enjoying it one bit, its an hour walk there and hour walk back and im really strugglin to walk it now.

I feel like im better off not working and when my baby is one i then want to go to college and get a diploma.

Is it wrong of me to leave work??




  1. Not at all, as long as you can support yourself.  

    Now if you are on Medicaid, WIC, welfare, or any form of public assistance, that IS wrong.  I am 27 weeks pregnant and have had a very hard pregnancy, yet I still work full time.  It's so hard, but I do it.  It wouldn't be fair for women like me to struggle through while others just quit and live off the government.

    But as long as you are supporting yourself, no big deal.

  2. No, of course not. You are completely doing the right thing. If the walk was the only problem, you could find some sort of transportation. But since it is clearly more than that, there is nothing wrong with getting out of there at a time when you need to be looking out for your physical and emotional state.  You do what's best for you and your baby...that's all there is to it.


    ps congrats on the kid =)

  3. You're very young and you're baby and you have a long journey ahead. I advise that if you'll leave work be sure you have money stashed somewhere or atleast you know where to get money when the baby arrives. The baby is a blessing and not a hindrance so if you feel like going back to school then so be it. Be sure that you have someone trustworthy to look after the baby while you're studying. Don't regret leaving work. If you feel lighter because you left then thats good. God bless you and your angel Happy pregnancy!

  4. no, not at all. As long as you can support yourself and have health insurance to take care of you during your pregnancy. Enjoy the time off before the baby comes. Once the little one arrives you will work 24/7 for the rest of your life!

  5. How old are you? And how are you going to make ends meet for bills and such. Maybe you would have been better off finding transportation or a different job before just up and quitting one.

  6. If you can afford it, there's no reason why you couldn't decide to stop working.  Even if it will pose a small financial strain for you and your husband, it should be OK.  If it poses a real financial burden and you're doing it just because you're "not enjoying it" then I'd say it's wrong, since there should be someway you could find transportation to handle the problem with the walk.

  7. I worked till I was 8 months pregnant, but everyone is different. Sometimes it's good to stay active & invloved with co-workers rather than isolating yourself at home, but I don't know you're situation.

    Walking 2 hours a day is excessive, but be sure to get some walks in to keep physically fit & maybe find a part-time job closer to home, or start a little business via the internet- sell items on e-bay or used books on Amazon. Keep busy & happy!

    Enjoy that baby!

  8. can you afford to stay home... if you can,,then do it...  

    you might also start college now, you can go online while youare pregnant there are lot of good colleges that have online classes,  even the one you want to go to after the baby is born might have online classes..  

    Good Luck

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