Me and my girlfriend are recently becoming a part of a long distance relationship of 50 miles away. I know it doesnt sound far, but we both dont have our licenses for about 2 years and i dont know what to do anymore. She has stayed inside for most of the summer not doing anything for me but i dont know what to do. She says she needs balance in her life by going out and socializing, but when she does, its always with her girl friends and boy friends. But all of the boy friends are slimy, and i dont trust most of them as far as i can throw them. SHe has also done stuff before with most of these boys, (making out, up her shirt, head, etc..) Am i wrong for getting mad and wanting to end our relationship because of this? Is she wrong for being able to live with putting me through the situation of watching her go hang out with boys she's done stuff with before when i'm 50 miles away? What should i do? Please help.. Thanks..