
Am i wrong to not like my girlfriend talking and hanging out with a g*y guy??

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I have nothing against g*y guys, but this kinda disturbs me.




  1. Well if it disturbs you, you obviously do have something against g*y guys, otherwise it wouldn't matter and you would allow ur girl friend to hang around him.!

  2. What disturbs you...?

  3. If you truly didn't have anything against g*y guys, it would not bother you.  

  4. the g*y guy aint gonna hit on ur gf so u have nothin to worry about. unless he's a bad person then there shouldn't be a problem

  5. I think you feel threatened

  6. yes, you are wrong

    why are you denying your girlfriend friends, especially the ones you don't have to worry about her cheating on you with

  7. I think you just need to leave her go.

    Just because you and her have a relationship together doesnt mean for you to control everything and everyone she does and hangs out with. You just need to trust her more, or she wont really trust you.

    Just get used to it, it's her friend.

  8. You are uncomfortable with her hanging out with a g*y guy, so would you feel more comfortable if she hung out with a straight male?  My best friend is g*y, I get the best s*x tips, dress tips and never have to worry about him hitting on me - however, he has liked a few guys that I liked, if he can draw them in - he gets to keep them because I prefer totally straight men in a relationship.  You have to develop a sense of security and trust in yourself and your girl.  You did not say if he tried to hit on you because some g*y guys will and that's on you!

  9. You're not wrong. You just not convinced yet that this g*y guy she's been hang out with won't be a threat to you. Find a way to convince yourself that he won't take chances to your girlfriend, like maybe, getting him a date.

  10. You didn't say what disturbs you about it. I think you are either jealous or insecure or maybe you want to hang out with him. Most guys would prefer their girlfriends hang out with a g*y guy rather than a straight guy. Is it ok for her to be with straight guys?

  11. why do you not like it? Do you feel threatened? Has she given you reason to be jealous or not trusting?

    You need to ask yourself these questions. It seems you have some insecurity problems and it reflects on your character. Think about it.

  12. Yeah you are, g*y guys are comforting and understanding.... the kind of friends (for the most part) that are the best. You have no reason to not like it.

  13. You're being immature and selfish.

    She can hang out with whoever she wants. And if it's a homosexual guy, who cares? He's g*y, it's not like he's going to go after her.

    I think you have some issues here..

  14. Depends, exactly how manly is your girlfriend?

  15. Nothing to worry about that

  16. You personally dont like the your girlfriends homosexual friend. NOT your girlfriend hanging out with him. Theres a diffrence

  17. if your like this with any guy , then your kinda overly jealous .if your like this with only g*y guys then your are wrong

  18. and this disturbs you because...

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