
Am psychic,I;m confused...?

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Lately during the past few weeks I have been having these dreams and I feel like they are so real (someof the have come tru exactly how I dreamt them) Then the other day I was riding my bike and I hear a cell phone ring in my head at 4:02 I went home and my cell phone had recieved a call at 4:02 and the caller could not be called back. Now this week I am constantly getting these pictures in my head which I suddenly see somehow like if I see a person in an ambulance I will turn on the TV and the first thing I see is a person in an ambulance. All this has been happening so constantly that I don't know what to do. I told my mom but she says to ignore it. Please someone help me I'm only 13 and I need guidance or help from someone whohas exprienced this please give me a website I can go to for answers... please tell me I;m not crazy. Please help me! Please I am confused!




  1. Calm down, take a deep breath. Your not the only one, lots of people have had things like this happen to them. Yes your a psychic, just take that in. Don't ignore it, its what you are and you'll have to learn how to deal with it someday, might as well have some fun and get started now. I've experienced things like what your going through, and I still do. I'm almost the same age as you too. Normally stuff like this shows up either while we're really young, or between the ages of 11 and 22, but that doesn't apply to everyone, and they keep happening throughout our lives, they just start showing up around that age. And don't worry if things start to get even weirder (yes I know that's not a word lol!)! Feel free to Email me anytime, I'm glad to help you and answer any questions you have!

  2. psychics aren't real.

    dreams don't mean anything.

    Just ignore whats been happening, its all coincidence.

  3. Consider on your sixth sense. If you have a dream or feel something try to consideration on it, and don't be afriad because this would be really helpfull for your future life.

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