
Am "I" not an extension of "You"?

by  |  earlier

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Life behaves and evolves as though it is a single entity. I am an extension of your "self". We can only be saved "together", not individually. Do you agree?




  1. no i have nothing to do with you and you have nothing to do with me. you're on your own pal.

  2. The divinity in me salutes the divinity in you.

    Sat Nam

  3. The Fire and Brim-stones of h**l await you for such sacrilegious thought, and the millstones shall eternally crush your bones, as your flesh is gnawed off your bones by little demons, and thy pain shall be everlasting.

  4. No.

  5. wish but no!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hubby wouldnt like

  6. Yes but you can't wear my new socks. They are MY socks and they are NEW.

  7. what the f"uk? where do these people get their pea brained ideas from?'  - sorry mate! sounds out there. Dont really know what you are on about at all

  8. You are my brother or sister 7 times removed, with a median of 4, fourth cousin.

  9. Pardon me but I think there's a little dribble of BS left at the corner of your mouth that you need to wipe away.

  10. You are correct.  For anyone who doubts this, answer this question, "Where does your breath begin?"

  11. Saved? Where am I? Trapped in at  the bottom of a cavern somewhere?!!

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