
Am tryin 2 get pregnant for last 5 mnths..Can anybody tell me how to get pregnant fast?

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We have been marreid for 2 yrs now.we r trying 2 start our family. Have listened to all types of tips and suggestions. but they're not givin any results. please give suggestions....




  1. Have a look at this website and read up on ovulation timing and charting:

  2. Ill tell you how i got pregnant. i am only 18 years old. it wasnt planned.

    Me and my boyfriend have been having s*x since we got together when i was 16, after a few months we forgot to use a condom, and i didnt fall pregnant, and i prefered to not use one. Stupid i know! After about a year of us having unprotected s*x, i didnt fall pregnant and i didnt want to either it was just us being foolish! Anyway In nov 07 i decided it was best that i went onto the pill, so went and got it for the start of my next period, what was on the 11th december so took my pill and took it everyday up untill the 21st december when i went  to eurodisney for xmas but i forgot to take it over there with me, had s*x on the 22nd and that was the only time i had s*x on holiday bcoz we had no protection and i had only forgot one pill, so i asumed it would still be in my body! WRONG! i concieved my daughter on the 22nd dec 07. i have only told u my story bcoz if  was trying for a baby i know how it is, but i swear by going on the pill and forgettin it and having s*x the day after u forgot it. mymate whos baby is 4 months old she has been on the pill for 8 years non stop. she also went on holiday for a week and forgot to take it with her, she fell pregnant. my cousin lost her pills and took 2 of her mates ( diff pill! ) and also got pregnant. anyway. Good luck! x*x

    Sorry about the esay x

  3. First of all, It takes a male and a female trying to make it happen.  Now, depending on your cycle, you should start having s*x around cd 10 to at least cd 20.  Have the intercourse every day or at least every other day.  After her ejaculates in you, prop your hips with a pillow and do not move for 15-30 minutes.  No hot baths for you or him during this time.

    Now, if your cycles are longer than the typcial 28 days, you may want to extend the time till cd 24 or more just to make sure.


  4. I know everyone sais to have s*x around ovulation, but the charting can be difficult and not everyone ovulates 14 days after their period. Some are sooner and some are later, so my ob has told me to just relax and have s*x every other day from the time your af ends until the time it starts again or you get your bfp. If you and the hubby are fertile and healthy, that is a sure way to get pregnant because sperm can live for a few days inside you so every other day is great. That way you cover any possible fertile time and the day in between gives the hubby a little time to build up his sperm again. I did all of the charting and opk's for 5 months now and it is very stressful. My ob said the stress can mess up our hormones and s***w up the ttc process....good luck and baby dust!

  5. Hi Sontuburi,

    Don't lose hope, it can take some time to get pregnant and five months is not a long time in general terms. There are ways to try and speed things up though:)

    Often it can be something couple's are doing on a day by day basis that could actually be slowing down their progress. Smoking is one thing that has been show in studies to reduce fertility, so along with the many other reasons to give up smoking, this would be another one. If you're a smoker or your partner is, commit to work on a plan to quit.

    There is another crucial thing you can do to help you get pregnant. Knowing exactly when you ovulate. I know so many women who have totally convinced themselves they know when they're ovulating only to be proven wrong later down the track.

    Ovulation predictor kits (OPKs), although a little costly, are very helpful. If you can be sure when you ovulate then you will be increasing your chances greatly of getting pregnant sooner.

    Using ovulation predictor kits and timing intercourse on the days leading up to and the day of ovulation, will certainly maximise your chances of conceiving. There will be clear instructions included with the OPK's and if you follow them carefully you will get the hang of it in no time. You really only need to invest in the cheaper versions as once you've used them a few times you will be able to see clearly the pattern and how to know when you're about to ovulate. So don't go spending lots of money on digital predictors if you can't afford it. Just get lots of cheap OPKs and use them is best to test twice a day as you are nearing the most likely time of ovulation.

    I hope this has helped. Wishing you lots of luck.


  6. You are most fertile about two weeks after your period, dependant on your cycle, for a scientific ovulation calculator see the below link.

    There is also a lot of advice on conception and pregnancy here.

  7. drink green tea,no alcohol,no cigar,exercise,eat healthy,use pillow during s*x, lay down 20 min after s*x,have s*x every other dar after ur period,take vitamins and folic acid

  8. You need to be having s*x around ovulation, which in a "typical" 28 day cycle, happens around day 14. However every woman is different and the length of a cycle can vary, as can the time of ovulation.

    The only way to know for sure when you ovulate is to use an Ovulation Prediction Kit, or chart your Basal Body Temp. Doing one of these things will help you to know when you ovulate, and you can then have s*x during that time.

    You could also track other fertility signs such as cervical mucus. Cervical mucus varies throughout the cycle, but around ovulation and during your most fertile period, is called "egg white cervical mucus" because it is clear, stretchy and slippery...ideal for sperm survival and travel.

    Finally, I would highly recommend that you read the book "Taking Charge of your Fertility". Not only is it great for any woman trying to conceive, but it is also great for anybody in general who wants to know details about how the female body and reproductive system work.

    Also I want to remind you that with PERFECT timing, an average healthy couple still has just a 20-25 percent chance of success per cycle. It is completely normal for conceiving to take several months. It isn't necessarily as easy as they would have you think in High School s*x ed.

    Other than using my suggestions to learn about your cycle and make sure you are having s*x during the right times, there is not much you can do other than make sure you are as healthy as possible. Make sure you are at your ideal weight. Get exercise. Take prenatal vitamins.

    If you still have no success even after tracking ovulation for several months, and it gets to be 12 months since you started trying, then consider seeing a fertility specialist. They will generally start seeing couples if they have been trying for over 12 months (or maybe less, if there is a known fertility issue or history, or advanced maternal age which is considered over 35 I believe). Most likely you will not get to the point of needing a specialist, but if you do keep in mind that many times they will discover a simple problem that is easily treated.

    Good luck :-)

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