
Am trying for a baby at the moment, how many days a week should we try?

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Is five days sufficient?




  1. We tried every other day once my period had finished until a week or so before my next period was due. 5 days may be too much as the sperm doesn't have enough time in between to build up. Good luck :)

  2. everyday

  3. When we were trying to conceive we were on a regemented s*x schedule.  It was every other day once I got to my fertile time, ovulation occurs in the middle of your menstrual cycle, so roughly it was every other day for 3 days before and 3 days after.  

    The reasoning for every other day was this gave the sperm the time to mature and build up.  Every day is not a good thing when having difficulty conceiving.

    Good luck

  4. between 3-4 times a week should be perfect.

  5. If he turns you on and you give him "thrills" all day every day! as long as he can keep"wood"

  6. You should try at least every other day to make sure that there are always live sperm up there waiting when you release an egg. Good luck!

  7. The best thing to do is to BD every other day around the time you are ovulating. On a normal 28 day cycle you would ovulate on day 14 (day 1 being the first day of your period). It may be useful to chart your cycle to pinpoint exactly when you are ovulating. If you type in ovulation charts on Google there are loads you can use.

    I wouldn't do it every day as sperm takes time to produce. By doing it every other day you will be using good quality sperm.

    Babydust to all ttc

  8. Get an ovulation kit.  They're a big help when trying to conceive.  

  9. Every other day from day 10 to 18 I was told...

  10. My doctor told me to try every other day. Having s*x too frequently will lower the sperm count, reducing the chances of you getting pregnant. You have to give the sperm a chance to "recharge". Sperm can live in your body for 3 days so if you have s*x every other day, it's guaranteed that whenever you ovulate, there will be some sperm waiting.  

  11. 8 days a week.

    Eight days a week I loooooooooove you

    eight days a week is not enough to show I care!

  12. Its not necessarily how often you do it, but when you do it is key. Purchase an ovulation kit or you can purchase a book at that teaches you how to keep track and know the signs of ovulation. IGood Luck.

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