
Ama superbike series?

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I live in the UK and only get to see the races on Motors channel but only see certain races . Is there a US website that would keep me up to speed with the series . I would be very grateful for any help




  1. Hi Stozzer. I find stuff on the AMA  or Speedtv .com.

    the main news is the Soup site  but the other two usually have something on there. But like Wiggysan says it looks as if the AMA has killed itself.  at least we will get to see the Laguna Sega event next weekend.

  2. I would not bother mate.

    The AMA Supers have now finished. They were sold to The DMG on friday and as of yet, not a single manufacture is willing to take part in the new " Race Plan "

    Even Suzuki ( who might as well own the AMA !! ) have said NO.

    Its got that desprete that The DMG have contacted Rob Muzzy ( of Kawasaki WSB '93 title fame ) to get Kawasaki to help with a one make championship.

    For all the low down on the DMG s***w up, read the reports on Soup's site :

    & to learn about how bad the take over is, listern to #: 79 podcast. Here :

    Im sure this will help.

    2008 is the final " real AMA " .

  3. The AMA is still it's lame self this year DMG wont change anything till next year. I get my racing news usually from if youre searching for more I'm sure they have all the links you could want.

  4. Hi Stozzer,

    I think this will help you with the information you are looking for. I've gone a few ama races here in california, they were really awesome!  Met some of the riders and got their autographs and took pictures with them.  They were all very nice!


    Brenda x
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