
Amateur boxing Scoring. Is it a burden or an enlightment?

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Me as a amateur boxer and fan of the sport of boxing can put this question out there for debate. I have been watching the olympics and I am not a big fan of the way they score in the amateur boxing in a whole as it is, but the judges were awarding fighters points for punches when I did not see none thrown or not awarding punches when the punches were landed cleanly. I know for a fact that punches thrown to the body are not counted and that is a shame because I like going to the body hard when I fight. 2008 Flyweight Olympian Rashee Warren in my opinion was robbed out of his fight! That just goes back to Roy Jones Jr., Evander Holyfield, and Michael Carbajal they were robbed, amateur boxing needs a big clean-up!





  1. In the clubs in the uk around amateur boxing fights its the same but its done not like that you know who won they know who won every one does and its always rite no one gets robbed as its a draw if its fair as they do it the right way....But i said to my dad months ago  you watch it and they are really going for it thrown about 70 or 80 shots yeah not all land but at the end of the round the score is     2-0  when you know he just landed 20 clean shots but the not give him a point the other kids nose is bleeding...

    its wrong what are they watching??? The Roy Jones J R Fight is the worst i have seen in boxing not the worst as Tyson or riots  but in that  a way to have kid to be cheated out of gold...

    But its the same again as its in Asia again and now boxing is big as its  ever been there so as i told my dad its not going to be fair as if you dont knock them out you wont win and very hard to get one at all. we had a kid Murray but he said its a joke and said he won but they know

    whats going on but what can you do?  knock them out  ....then if you do they will say its a head butt or elbow or a low blow... but is always like that on there side of the world...

  2. Devon I have watched lots of amateur fights and quite a few where the scoing was very questionable to say the least.  Body punching is indeed a major part of boxing and in my opinion, a fighter should be awarded points for effective body punching.  I believe that they need to come up with a more effective way to score amateur boxing because it's not working and a cleanup is needed.

  3. That is why the difference between professional and amateur.

    I respect Evander Holyfield world champion.

    Have fun !!  

  4. Devon I hear your plead.  As I have been in boxing for almost 38 years now, amateur boxing used to be the sport I am so passionate about.  I used to like it a lot because of "purity of the sport, no money involved, for the love of the sport, etc., etc., and yet!  It is sad to see in the recent years due to intangible value or prize involved in having a good prospect amateur boxer, the biases in the Pro-boxing stains even the amateur sport ($25k to bring home the gold--USA).  Other countries pay a lot more...

    What really bothers me is that it starts from local gym, coaches, to the crooked local boxing official in favoring one versus the other for their own ulterior motives.

    The sport used to be considered the hope or a way out for the less fortunate.  Now, it has been manipulated and degraded to serve the greedy few.

    As the sport evolved into merging sports as an enterprise; a form of entertainment, the pride of honestly winning in competition has diminished.  Less and less volunteer coaches, officials or mere mentors to the youth of today.  

    I am not surprise with Rashee Warren's ill fated decison at the Olympics in Beijing. His demise was anothers benefit.

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