
Amazing abilities (super powers)?

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okay before you call me crazy or weird or whatever else you'd like to call me...just read what i put.

I think that maybe we have abilites that we don't know we have ( i mean "abilities" as in super powers such as spontaneous regeneration, bending time...etc...)

here is why i think this:

-there are already people out there that show signs of paranormal Sylvia Brown for example, she is a real psychic. she is on Montel every wednesday helping people sort out abnormal activity.

-we are evolving and look at how far we came...i mean theoretically it is possible that this may happen.

-lizards can regrow their body parts...maybe someday we will come across this amazing ability as well.

-we use more than 10% of our brain but not all at once...imagine if we could access all of it at once (what could we be capable of?)

give this a thought before you judge me by what i believe...i'm sure there are others out there that agree with my beliefs!




  1. yes. i think there's a possibility that we really ARE evolving the way people in x-men evolved.

    some scientific researches might have said something like "there's no possibility that humans are going to have superpowers like people in the x-men" but people tend to say wrong things. i mean, can you remember the day where people used to say that earth was flat? or that it's impossible for humans to land on a moon? or that atom is the smallest particle there is? well, today we have undeniable proves that what people said in the early days was all wrong. in the future, there could be the day where people finally say, "humans evolved into superhuman beings."

  2. was going to do a read for you but you do not allow e-mail.

    ......................................... have found that embryos will automatically reprogram itself to grow the proper cells where they need to be already. They have been able to regenerate digits on children under 5 years of age as well already.


    Dolphins use more of thier brains than we do.

    Just food for thought

    If you want you can contact me and I will read for you. I am new and practicing with tarot

  3. i think it is very possible.. like you said.. we just dont know how to acces it. do you know its possible to go invisible.. that is what is beleived to have happened to the mayans.. their energy level/ vibration got so high, they became light and eventually invisible. do read the celestine prophecy...its really interesting and  talks a little about this.

  4. No, Sylvia Browne is a fraud.  Really, I'm sure she's made some great guesses.  But that's all it is.  She won't take the test to prove her 'power' - because she doesn't have any.  Check out and to learn more.  She had a 50% chance with the s*x of the kid - why is that so amazing?

    Sure, we're evolving.  But no evolution has ever broken the basic laws of physics, and that's what you're talking about.

    You can use more than 10% of your brain at once.

    No matter how many people think the Earth is flat won't make it so.

  5. To your first point: no one has 'demonstrated' psychic or any other paranormal abilities, ever. That is, not under the proper scientific controls. In fact, anyone who CAN demonstrate such powers under scientific controls can win $1 million from James Randi. Look up the James Randi Educational Foundation for more.

    To the second point: we are indeed evolving, but very slowly. Evolution takes a very long time. Perhaps we'll get there eventually! But we just don't know what will happen.

    To the third point: some animals can regenerate limbs. We are not among these animals. However, as creepy as it may sound, scientists are trying to figure out how to give us this ability, as we speak, by transferring genes from other animals into us. But it's nowhere near being successful yet, so don't worry!

    To the final point: this is a common misunderstanding, a myth. We use all of our brains, just not all parts at the same time. This is confirmed by brain imaging studies, and is well established scientific fact. One reason people think this, is because the brain consists of things that act like 'circuits' and things that act like 'wires'. The circuits are where the good stuff happens, but that doesn't mean we don't 'use' the wires too! Imagine how a computer would function, if you left its processor but tore out all the wires connecting it to the other parts!

  6. First of all Sylvia Brown is nothing more than a criminal and charlatan.  She has been caught red handed, and also James Randi has debunked her from beginning to end.  Secondly, even if you possessed these 'abilities', why would you want anyone to know about it?


  7. Your points are valid and there are many more which I can add, but that's the thing. I've come to realise that no matter how much evidence one can attain about our Extra Sensory Abilities, there will always be skeptics who judge by using physical methods, thus wanting physical results. It's not enough for them to believe in something that you can feel and have live in our hearts, such as God.

  8. Syliva Browne is a criminal and a fraud.  She is as fake as can be.  Please educate yourself with the facts contained at the following website:

    What environmental factor would make super powers beneficial to have?  How can we mutate a characteristic that defies physics?

    Regeneration of limbs would be great.  This may be a possibility.  Stem cells research might make this a possibility some day, if the theocrats let it commence.

    We use all of our brain for its intended purpose.  We may not use 100% of it all at once, but using more of different parts doesn't make it more powerful.  The functions of the brain are compartmentalized.  They don't increase power as more of the different parts are used.

    You have some interesting ideas here.  Keep up your creative thought.

  9. My wife says I have amazing abilities.

    I can empty a room without saying word, without making a sound.  Every time I do, my wife says, "Amazing!"

    Would she lie?


  10. most people have a gift,and they may not even be aware of it,in my culture we teach our children to sharpen these skills,so yes i believe you,work to do good with the gifts that you have been given...

  11. sure

    and I believe that if you believe and let Go and let God you can be used by Him for whatever good.

    That is how it is supposed to work anyway.  It's not to be used to poke at, or suppose at, or video'd (that's why angels disappear quickly).

    Shame on the people who offer money for wanting pictures.

    If they had pictures they still would not believe.

    There are those who refuse to even try to find out if they have abilities.......laziness!

  12. My lover say sister watch Sylvia on Montel, Sylvia fraud. She take much money do nothing. My lover show me a magasine with article on her, she wrong many time. All psychics frauds. My lover super strong. He say when 16 year old, he lift huge stone over head father and cousin together not lift  off ground. I see him lift man twice big as me over head with one hand. Lover 185cm tall, weigh 165kg, his arm bigger than my waist, his thigh bigger than my bust. I say he's Kyojin.

  13. I used to believe a lot in healing powers at church healing services..charismatics etc. There were several they said were annointed with the gift of healing. After you work with the cerebral palsy kinda believe less in that. Maybe it's only for different kinds of healings.(emotional,mental, cancer..things like that) After all..if someone deformed like they are with c.p. suddenly straightened up..or if someone grew an arm or a leg...I don't think the world could handle it.I remember reading that Jesus cured lepers and raised a man from the dead..but I don't remember reading anything about Him growing limbs on people. But , He said we would do greater things than maybe it's just not the right time yet.

    EDIT..Come to think of it...when babies grow in the womb..they grow limbs (and WE have NOTHING to do with that!!)

  14. i know exzactly how u feel. I have even been doign some research right at this moment on it. I dont think all of us may be cababe of it. I think it has to do with a gene. Like the show HEROES.

  15. I went to a Sylvia Browne seminar, and all I can say is "YAWN"....her answers were vague, to say the least...and nothing she said was verifiable at the time.  Anyone can tell you what's GOING to happen and appear to be right because it hasn't happened who's to know?

    She charges $750 for a personal you think she's really in this to actually help people...or for the money?

    I find people like John Edward and Lisa Williams to be more believable because they can tell you things you KNOW to be true because they've already happened to you...or are happening in the present.

  16. I think by using terms like super powers you are going to get some people responding in "I haven't thought about it before I opened my mouth" fashion. Of course the YA debunkers do this about anything so they are in my opinion best ignored in the interest of advancing science.

    Humans already have amazing abilities from our capacity to reason, love, and inflict untold horrors on other human beings.

    However, some of the abilities you mention are being like regeneration and manipulating time are being worked on via medicine and quantum physics. Of course right now regeneration requires a push like gene therapy and the use of time is only theory right now.

    You are correct and accurate about the 10% of our brians at one time and as usual debunkers responded to correct you without reading your question. This explains why they conclude there is no evidence in that you have to read something to know anything about it.

    We do know that highly creative and very intelligent people form more neural connections in their brains so they are not using more of their brain but they are using it better (more efficiently) and we can only hope that all of humankind will develop more of this trait.

    I have no opinion on Sylvia Browne as that no opinion can be based on scientific evidence in regards to her since she has not partcipated in scientific research of her abilities and no one has bothered to examine all of her quantifiable predictions to determine a rate of success.

    Despite debunkers that scream she (and all psychics) are fraud there is no evidence either way so I in the spirit of real science  remain neutral concerning her abilities.

  17. no need to call names, don't worry.

    first, i think you're right.

    but calm down, will ya?

    - i don't know who sylvia brown is, even tho' she is more and more mentioned. all i can think is sandra brown, the one with cheesy love novels. but if she wears more and more expensive dresses from one show to the next, she must do this just for the show.

    - who's told you we are evolving? how far we came?

    actually, think about it... are we smarter than... let's say, pythagoras? do we really think we figured out how the pyramids were made? are we richer in imagination than homer? could we map the sky without our computers and fancy telescopes better than the mayans? can we twist our thoughts in a greater manner than the ancient greek philosophers have already done?

    there are theories about humans having been the actual gods, but loosing all those NORMAL abilities generation by generation.

    so let's victory dance we slow our involution process before saying we have evolved - we didn't. we only constantly lost our touch with nature and our natural abilities.

    - there is a new myth conquering grounds - they say we use 100% of our brain and the old myth, the one with 4-20% was stupid. but still, we have no idea what happens inside our skulls - we are only too conceited to admit it (see link)

    i don't judge you at all.

    i would welcome you into the 'awakened ones' line, but still, i have not the proofs the skeptics demand - even tho' they won't admit proofs even when the proofs will bite them on their a-s-s.

    calm down - these abilities are real and might seem amazing, but they are natural and we only have a glimpse of how amazing they really are.

  18. Everyone has psychic abilities they just don't know how  to access them and maybe someday we will be able to    grow back our legs that would be awesome. But don't listen to those scientific people who wrote stuff they only think about the logical explanations for everything

  19. i know wherever we go there are skeptics and there are believers...

    all i know is dont know how we can have these abilities and how we can hone them but i do belive there's a possibility we could  have it...

    in my own experience... i dont know how and why i happen to know most of the times who's on the other line of the phone when it rings before i ever get to answer the phone. if its just instict or ability i dont know...

  20. cool

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