I've had five dreams about my crush who I haven't seen for a year. I have really liked him for three years. The first two dreams were about me trying to get his attention and kind of showing off a little, but he never glanced at me. In the third dream, we were in a cabin with my twin cousins, and he was flirting with one of them. I was going crazy, trying to get him to just LOOK at me, but he wouldn't. The last two dreams take a wild turn, though. The fourth one took place in a giant room. All along the walls were chessboards, and people stood in lines to play. Who they were playing with would be a surprise. I went into the room and saw my crush. My heart beating wildly, I sat at the chessboard and he smiled at me. We started playing when I reached out for one of the chess pieces, but then he took my hand and told me he loved me. I just stared at him. Then it ended. The fifth dream was at an amusement park still under construction. To be continued...