
Amazon Birds?

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If there is an Amazon Bird, and it has a red's not eating or anything and it's eye is really red. What kind of medicine can you buy?




  1. VET!!!! Yes, get that bird to an vet asap! An eye infection is obvious, but there may be many other possible ailments present.

    Avian Veterinarian!!!!!!!!!!

    Try a helpline or an certified website if you cant take the bird now. Or call Jacks Aquarium if all else fails for advice.

  2. You could most likely ease the redness with regular(no additives) moistening eye drops. My worry would be the stress you would cause the bird by attempting to give it these drops. If it is VERY friendly you could possibly adminster but please use common sense and if too stressful DON'T DO IT. Birds can die from stress!

    Now next step, as that was the 1st option. Get to a QUALIFIED Avian Vet ASAP. Tomorrow should be okay but don't put it off, most clinics allow walk-ins. The vet can have a more specific treatment plan. And I'm sure you don't want to spend the money but this  IS A MORE EXPENSIVE BIRD and it is worth it to save its life(should it be that severe). I hope everything works out and please let us know what happens!

  3. NO! Call an avian vet and have the bird seen. Nothing OTC, unless the Vet tells you to get it! kjl

  4. Sounds like he injured his eye somehow.  The not eating is not a good thing.  The eye thing is not a good thing.  Find yourself an Avian Vet, that's a vet that specializes in birds, and please have him looked at.  He could die.  I don't want to scare you, but when a bird starts to behave sickly, they are sick.  There is a problem and he needs to get checked out.

    I hope he'll be fine.  The best to you and your bird.

    There is nothing over the counter that you could use safely on a bird.  Take him to the vet...
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