Question: shopping.. please tell me..?

by  |  earlier

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I jst want to know that if I shop from (us) website and pay with a credit/debit card of UK , will i be charged in dollars or pounds?

Thought its a good idea 2 ask before i get ripped by this price difference.

Thanks :)




  1. If you are purchasing from a site in the United States you will be charged in dollars. You will then have to pay the conversion fee charged by the credit card. You will also pay duty when you receive it.


  2. You'll be charged in dollars which will be converted to sterling by your card issuer. Then of course you will pay import duty and VAT on your purchases which wipes out any notional benefit of buying from, even if they allow you to which I don't think they do.

  3. You will be charged in dollars, but when you get your statement the Bank will have converted it back into Pounds at a not very favourable exchange rate....but it may still be better to buy in America as the present xchange rate is so good.

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