I picked out a baby Amazon Parrot from a local reputable bird specialty store approx. 2 months ago and have been going in to visit and socialize with him since then. He is not yet three months old and is still handfeeding; the plan was to bring him home in July or August. Here's the problem-he has progressively gotten less and less affectionate and cuddly every time I have seen him (I've been going in three times a week or so) and while I'm okay with him not being cuddly (I understand that most Amazons are not) he is now biting and lashing out at me also. He absolutely does NOT want me to hold him and when I even try to ahve him step on my hand now he lunges aggressively at me. My family had an African Grey when I was growing up, and I work for an avian vet, so I am familiar with different types of parrots, but I need some advice with this. The owner of the store is giving me other options-if I want to take a 5 month old grey whose original owner ended up changing his mind (cont below)