
Amazon preordering? help!!?

by  |  earlier

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i put the payment method as check . r they goin to ship my order with the bill or do i hav to send them the check then they r going to ship my order ?




  1. I didn't know you can pay with a check.  Are you sure that is what you're doing?  I would only assume they bill you before they ship it, otherwise, who knows if you'll ever send them the check.  I've paid with a debit card, and once it shipped, they charge my card.

  2. "Where do I send my check or money order?"

    You must place your order online before mailing us your payment. When filling out the order form, select "Pay by check or money order" as the payment option.

    After you have submitted your order, you can send payment to the address below. We must receive your check within 30 days or your order will be canceled.

    Please be sure to write your e-mail address on the check or money order so we may properly credit your account.

    Billing Department

    P.O. Box 80463

    Seattle, WA 98108


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