
Ambassador salaries?

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Ambassador salaries?




  1. Which country's ambassadors where?  Many countries differentiate compensation in their foreign service depending on which country you are posted in.  Also, as an ambassador, you typically get an official residence your government pays for.

    Moreover, the most important perk of being an ambassador is not salary.  In the U.S., for example, wealthy people seek ambassadorships because during their tenure they will be tax-exempt in the coutry of their posting, while receiving a temporary tax exemption in the U.S. by virtue of residing overseas.  So they time large capital gains (sale of real estate or privately-held businesses or even re-establishing the cost basis for marketable securities) to coincide with their tenure as ambassador...

  2. The worst scam in appointment of ambassadors is that sometimes the person appointed has no qualifications at all to do the job but is appointed as a reward for making contributions to the president's political campaogn.

    Sometimes the ambassador doesn't even speak the language of the country where he goes as the US representative.  If you ever wonder why our America is often looked on with ridicule by people overseas, bear in mind the way ambassadors are appointed as payoff for juicy political campaign contributions.

    George Bush pushed John Bolton forward to be US ambassador to the UN.  The senate was ignored.  The Decider is the spoiled frat boy brat who expects always to get things his own way and s***w the Constitution.

    Craig Stapleton was sent to France to be the US ambassador there.  He just happens to be George Bush's cousin.  What an amazing coincidence.

  3. Yes they get a salary!
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