
Amerature Photographer, thinking about making money by doing some portraits?

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My school is only offering senior portraits through one company, well that is if you want your picture in the year book. Alot of people have asked me to do some senior portraits for them, because the portraits from this company come out so bad. and i would love to, but at the same time i feel bad asking for money considering i am an amerature. But i also need the money to make the prints, and i am looking into buying a nikon 18-200mm lens, which cost quite a bit of money. I LOVE photography, and i consider myself not too bad at it. What are some good ways to go about advertizing my bussiness and handling the money situation?

Please and thank you!

Here are some of the portraits that i have taken over the past month or so.




  1. Never feel bad about asking for money. Remember it is you time and talent that you are getting the money for. Always ad your cost of printing on top of what your time is worth. Just focus on getting your friends to buy into your portraits. Work hard on making these look good and the rest of the school will be interested. Don't think big right away, just make the money you need to get started, then worry about other advertising outlets. Managing money will not be hard at first. Just keep a record of who got what and give them a reciept. I usually ask for half up front (to cover printing cost) then ask for the rest upon delivery (this will be your time and talent profits). Hope this helps.

  2. You definitely have potential as a photographer.  I would hire you based on your small portfolio here.  I've found the best way to advertise is just by chatting with people.  Some people call it networking, but that sounds intimidating to me.  Just let people know that you are doing it - start small, maybe $10 - $20 + cost of prints?  If the school photographer is that bad, maybe talk with the school to see if you could officially offer an alternative.  If you need to get a license and all that, you can do it for under $150 in most states, and if the school is supporting you, it's definitely worth it.  The only thing that could go wrong is people will say no.  If they do, just keep trying.  I know, easier said than done, but it can't hurt to try!  Good luck!

  3. you should just write everyone you know in facebook and tell them that you can do their pictures, charge but you dont have to have ridiculous prices, its best to build yourself a portfolio in case you want to do this for a career someday. plus the more pictures you get the better you become at learning your camera. you can also do some of your friends, and by word of mouth they will as you. make a business card and hand them out. you can put an ad in the paper or anything like that because you have to pay money to have a legitimate business but feel free do just be young and do it with friends.

    act professional even if you feel a little bit insecure about just starting out. no one would want to pay someone who doesn't think they are good enough. just think all the time to shoot and edit those photos. same with gas, it costs you money to go shoot those people.

    you dont have to buy a bunch of equipment right now. just use what you have and charge people and that way you can have money before you buy it.

    you just need to email them their pictures. that cuts out all of the cost of printing. its free.

    good luck!

  4. well....for one....its kind of illegal to charge money for something you don'tt have alicensee friends want me to take their senior pictures also and so i made them a deal....i would take their pictures for free but they would have to pay for whatever prints they wanted....

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