
America, a generous...........?

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The American Legion Magazine for July '08 reports on page 43, that Americans are most generous people. They break it down into those givers who are religious, and those who are not religious. Here are the stats:

Give money to any cause - religious 91% - non rel. - 66%

Volunteer for any cause - religious 67% - non rel. - 44%

Give money to non religious causes - religious 71%, non...61%

Volunteer for a non religious cause - religious 60%, non..39%

What does this mean to you, as a non Christian, and as a Christian? Hasn't our nation always been a giving nation? What motivates us to give like we do ?




  1. The stats are not surprising, but will be denied by the secular segment.  I give because I have been given to.  I give because God has blessed me.  I give because I see need.  I give because Jesus gave ...and continues to give to those how ask.

  2. Although most religious people in America are Christians, not all are. We don't know how the other faiths compare from these figures. Jews tell other Jews how much to give and one of the 5 Pillars of Islam is charity to the poor--not just to a religious organization.

    Christians tend to think that because we give to our church, we're generous. Most money given to a church is used for its members--not for mission or for the poor. This isn't an indictment of churches, just a recognition of what they need. A building and its upkeep and employing from one to 15 full-time workers gets to be expensive.

    The difference between America's and other countries' generosity to overseas causes is that most countries give money through their government. Our government is very stingy with tax money for helping other countries (except in ways that help us back), but American individuals, groups and businesses give more than others so it winds up being more even than it looks from this piece.

  3. scandinavians give more charity than anyother country.

  4. I am in agreement with Tom T. He said it.just the way I do it .

  5. Cause in God We Trust

  6. This nation was founded on God.  God loves a cheerful giver.

  7. our giving comes from times WE were given to.

  8. I think that anything can be proven with statistics.

    I don't believe for one second that 91% of followers of religion in America give money to a cause on a regular basis - and even more doubtful that 66% of non-religious people do.

    That is a very dubious high figure

  9. I think your information is wrong!!

  10. The generally accepted UN statistics are based upon the money each government GIVES (meaning: coercively confiscates from its citizens) to "needy" countries.

    It never includes US Foreign Aid. Nor does it include the fact that the main duty of charity in the US is still in the province of private citizens. That money is never counted in the UN results.

    You are right.

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