
America's Best Dance Crew fixed?

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I think it is because crews who don't deserve to go home do and it's not right. Do you agree?




  1. I do agree.  Last week f***y Pack had a much more exhilarating performance than Super Crew.  Which they normally do because all Super Crew relies on is the hand gestures to get the audience to cheer more and stunts..They don't do much dancing.

    However, it also relies a lot on the fans votes (which is what was said time to time on the show) and judging by the screaming from the audience Super Crew is much more appreciated of a group then all the rest are/were.

    Then again, that is just my opinion which differs from week to week.  

    I'm still a little aggravated that A.S.I.I.D. and f***y Pack went home (but I'm happy that So real Cru is still there).

    I just didn't like a lot of the turnouts from this season.

  2. Yes! There's no way Status Quo got more votes than Jabbawockeez and Kaba Modern last season! And there's no way SoReal is on top this season!


  3. i love asiid and boogiebots y did they deserve to leave FIXED

  4. YA

  5. Could be but I'd still watch.  

  6. I agree with you, think it is fixed.

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