
America's History.......?

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Do you find it boring?




  1. No, I find it exciting, I am especially interested  in the War of 1812 and the events that have taken place in NW Ohio, and the life of  Peter Navarre an early settler,who took the message to Harrison to Perry to  engage the British on Lake Erie and who brought back Perry's message to Harrison, :We have met the enemy and they are ours."

  2. Well, there's not really a whole lot of national history of America, particularly because America is a relatively young country. The histories of the indigenous peoples of North America have always fascinated me as well as the history of immigrants and ethnic populations in the United States. So I do not find it boring (although I am generally more interested in World History, since there is much more of it and its greater significance).

    However, if the only view of American History that someone has is the view that is presented in the standard high school American History textbook, I can see how one might find it boring.

  3. i concur with answer one. history of america or any country is fascinating.

  4. Not at all.  The range of histories of the incomers, Italian, Irish, Germans, English etc is fascinating, and Westward expansion is just as interesting.  The Civil war, America's involvement in WW1 & WW2 as well as the history of prohibition and the rise of gangsterism is as engaging as any countries history, however long.

    Source:  Englishman

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