Just as I expected American's to respond part 1 of this question.. Kick your a**!!, We are number 1*....We saved you in WWII... ah! when a reasonable explanation or lively intelligent debate is called for.. Americans can only feebly express absolute contempt for who or whatever disagrees. with them.. NO! the rest of the world does not need America's Military, Racist foreign polices, or leadership. SUV's or Starbucks!
Yes America created the Internet.. and now we see in an instant just what America has been doing to people for it's entire history. "Killing and Enslaving People!! the world worked before America!! no not perfectly.. but thousands of years of history and civilization has to mean we will be here long after America is declared like the Soviet Union was.. just another failed state!? Hey "Left field" monetary policy was not the topic before.. The Euro is not pegged to the dollar.. and cheaper U.S. imports mean very little in the EU..
We dont drive Gas Guzzlers Humvee