
America. Justice for all?

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seriously what is the big problem in having lots of immigrants in the U.S. i mean they help out by working and stuff and they just want a better life than in their old country - they even deport people who have no criminal record or anything they have paid their taxes and have done good yet they still take them away even in front of their families and its just destroying families nationwide - the worst thing is most of the time they target hispanics like mexicans even if they are doing nothing wrong - the police stops them on the street and then call immigration - who knows they were probably on their way to bring money to their needing families well this is long but seriously what is the big problem i wrote a letter to the white house telling them how i feel yet no reply in months - i want to help but how?




  1. Justice for those with money. The main issue is that illegal immigrants are supposedly "taking jobs away from hard working americans" The reality is, the majority of the jobs that illegal imigrants take up are farming jobs and feild work. They are extremely important jobs, but, if they didnt do them, nobody would. I dont want to sound anti-american, because it is a great country, but their have always been those that do not want to do any labour and have resorted to things like slavery. Let's just call them the south.

  2. A legal immigrant Is an invited guest into our home, America, and may someday be a future American. Now put yourself in this position. You come home one night to find a stranger there in your home.

    He or she informs you that he or she is going to mow your lawn, wash your dishes, do your laundry, cook your meals, the things that he or she thinks that you don't want to do for yourself.

    And by the way, I'm going to bring my family, my immediate family, then my parents, my aunts, uncles, and cousines. By thr way I expect all the privileges of home ownership that you receive.

    And when my kids get here I exoect you to pay to educate them By the way if your kids go to a college out of state and you pay extra, I expect to slide on that one.

    You tell me you wouldn't call the cops, and I'll tell you ahead of time, don't lie to me.  

  3. 1 if there here illegally they dont pay most taxes

    2 they come here and expect to be payed for by Americans already here if they want to come good fine just come here legally  

  4. Yeah what could be the problem with illegal immigrants in the country?  Oh I don't know... Maybe because they are ILLEGAL!?  

  5. ignorance is bliss!  

  6. your questions is comletely misleading.

    there is a big difference between just the 'immigrants' that you speak of and the swarms of ILLEGALS that cross our borders everyday.

    why are YOU against LEGAL immigration?  that is the question

  7. You need to remind the Americans that the country was built on the premise of immigration and equality for all.

  8. Guess what!!!  It is called "illegal" for a reason.  Just get a legal ID card is all we ask, after all, we would like to know who is in our country.

    If an American left this country, we would expect to be legal with a passport or VISA, why not people coming to this country.

  9. Any civilized country has laws. What is wrong with that?

    I am an Immigrant and did it all by the book.

    If we allow people to break ANY Law, soon they will be breaking

    ALL Laws. How frightening is that?

    This Country has ALWAYS  welcomed People from anywhere.

    God Bless America.


  10. What is the problem?  There is no big deal if they are here legally.

    If they are here illegally, then they are criminals who should be arrested and deported.

    Everyone here illegally is criminal and does not belong.  They deserve their deportation.

  11. There is no problem with people here legally. The big problem lies with people who choose to ignore our laws and disrespect our country by coming illegally. You can help by contacting the government and letting them know you want our laws obeyed and all illegals deported.

  12. i agree wit u so much!! i think most people dont understand how it feels to be living in poverty and that your only hope and chance at a better life is coming here illegally. you dont have the money or the time to get a visa. all u want is to survive!!

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