
America after its destroyed!?

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America and Rome have some similarities, to deny that would be idiotic.

When the Roman Empire ended they created the Roman Catholic Church which partially ruled Europe with a system of Feudalism with the King and the Church being on the top of the chain.

If we apply this concept to the American Empire in the future when America collapses it could possibly look like this.

Christ was created.

Anti-Christ will be created.

After the 'Anti-Christ' does whatever it is he will do, America will start to collapse later on. Foreign Countries that are destroyed or economic devistated will take what is theirs and America will create its version of the Catholic Church, Called VCHIP banking.

VCHIP banking will be manditory in all Americanized countries to prevent theifts and revolts that will occur after the Anti-Christ`s destruction.

Governments will have military control. But Bankers will own the people and towns.

1000 years ago this was the system, but with churches.




  1. Well it's certainly an interesting concept....

  2. Post this in Mythology - not History

  3. Creative story.

    I'm going to go with slytheri's answer here.  

    Myself though, I think it's a bit over-generous rating of the US to compare them to the Romans.  (Compare, for instance, the US's 'civilizing' mission of North America to Rome's civilizing mission of the known world; and the US's contribution to world culture and civilization, vs. Rome's.)

  4. that's quite a story.

  5. If you put America and The Fall of The Roman Empire side by side and compare them, we are falling like them. They had a major depression, they had wars and were losing them, and they had a good emperor assassinated like Abraham Lincoln so we are falling.

  6. Your history is very inaccurate but your imagination is very creative.

    In Christ

    Fr. Joseph

  7. When Rome collapsed, it ushered in a dark age because they were the force that protected Europe from bloodthirsty Germanic barbarians, and later on the Visigoths who either killed or enslaved them (the original inhabitants of Germany).  The Visigoths, are the ancestors of the peoples of Scandinavia, Finland included, and northern Germany.  When they first marched off into Germany, because the inhabitants were bloodthirsty and warlike, they killed them off and drove them south.

    Later on as they became christianized however, distinction between Goth and German was lost, and the two peoples interbred freely.

    The modern world does not have any "barbarians" to speak of outside the U.S., and everyone has knowledge of modern medicien concentrated in the cities.  If the United States collapses, likely Chinese will replace English as the language of business, or it may remain English if it turns out that India will rule the world economy.  With the United States out of the picture, the landscape and atmosphere of the world is likely to change.

    Gone for example, will be Hollywood, something uniquely American.

    cricket sounds.

    Lets see what else is uniquely american....

    more cricket sounds.

    Yeah, Hollywood, the Papparazzi, its glamour, the jet set, all that stuff will dissapear.


    Frankly I'm not seeing America's collapse as a bad thing then!

    Now, there IS an element of tragedy regarding America's collapse.

    Only the United States, has developed a sophisticated fitness industry that is the best on the planet.  Strength training has been around for a long time, however, American athletes dominate the Olympics for a reason; clearly enough, some of the outmoded conditioning methods just don't work.  As well.

    Although I suppose it depends on the sport, but when you want to talk overall conditioning and fitness, and the supplement companies, the biggest tragedy if the U.S. ever collapsed, would be the demise of GNC and EAS.

    There are no supplement companies quite like them elsewhere in the world; from them you can buy all kinds of vitamins, mineral supplementation, and even training manuals you will not find anywhere else.  Being physically fit enhances life, and even if you don't get there it is good for mental health as it has a soothing effect on the mind.  It is largely America's culture of fitness, which produced Bruce Lee's phenomenal skill and speed in such a short time.

    Lee achieved what he achieved, because, doing things the Chinese way, it would have taken him 50 years to reach the hand speed he did at the age of 30, in less than half that time.  Combining Chinese training, with American fitness conditioning however, he got his serpent-like hands.  The principle of tendon training, is actually Russian, but it was developed and pioneered largely in the U.S.

    The two top countries regarding fitness and strength conditioning have been Russia and the U.S.A., thing is though, Russia has been known to cheat, as they have the most extensive list of anabolic steroids developed by corrupt doctors in the world.  Some of the supplements Russia has, are so insidious, you take a pill, it courses through your system, you get an adrenaline boost, you p**s, get a blood test and nothing shows.

    The U.S. also has an extensive 'roid black market as well, but it doesn't compare to the outright shopping mall of Russia's.

    Long winded point made short; the collapse of America would mean the dissapearance of GNC and EAS, and THAT at least, I see as a very bad thing.  Fitness supplements can enhance your training, and they can be good for overrall health.

    The one thing that pisses me off about them though is that they do not have any 50% discount programs for laborers and construction workers, who are most in need of their products.  For a living, construction workers are already "lifting weights."  All they need is protein supplements and all kinds of muscle builders, cut out the beer and the donuts, and in terms of muscular fitness h**l man they would have it made.

    The reason construction workers tend to be overweight and pot-bellied, is because overworking the muscles will damage them to a point where your body becomes ineficient metabolically.  In other words, training too hard, and not getting enough protein, can make you FATTER, not thinner.  Because construction workers are doing physical labor all day long, they need protein supplementation, roughly 20 grams consumed every 2 hours, to safeguard their muscle tissue.  Because they do not get this supplementation, many are forced into early retirement by the time they are 50.

    If it was up to me I'd make sure construction workers and laborers got discounts for any and all bodybuilding supplements; no one, and I mean no one needs them more than they.

    Would the world come to an end with the end of America?

    Not really, but with America gone, with so many people simply just not interested in fitness the world over, to supply your body with protein while strenght training you have to go back to drinking a whole galon of milk a day, and consuming 3 raw eggs with every meal to meet your protein demands.

    As opposed to a glass of whey protein with every meal, which in my opinion is much easier......  and cost effective.

    oh well, too long winded


  8. America is still far from the Roman Empire. America is waiting for its Julius Caesar. Meaning America is still a Republic, it has not yet become a true Empire. And you assume when America falls that there will be something left of it just like Rome, but when America falls it will be from nuclear missiles, completely destroying it, or the nation will finally divide and the sections of the former U.S. would not be able to accept a divided a universal idea like your banking idea, because that would be admitting similarities between one another, and Americans are infamous for their ability to alienate their enemies.

  9. Of course America will meet its downfall somethey. Every power nations and empires did. (Funny thing is, they all met their downfall when they just began to think that they would surely last forever)

    So, yes. America will fall someday. But your story sounds too religious to me. Economic depression, the rise of China, failure of education, and immigration sounds a lot more realistic to me

  10. I was looking for a question, but didn't find one.  May I suggest you go back and study the history of early Christianity and a histories Ancient Greece, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire.  

    When exactly did the Roman Empire create the Catholic Church?  How did they rule Europe with a system of Feudalism?  Did the Roman Empire have a King?

    Please ask a question.

  11. You don't even want to think about a world post America. Now I don't feed into the whole Anti-Christ thing but Feudalism, at least manorialism, started while the Empire was still in existence. My guess is that a new form of governing similar to it which I like to Corporatism in which everything is owned by the Banks/Major Corporations and the people no longer work for a paycheck but food, clothing, and shelter.

    Rome at its end of days suffered from many things which is why it fell. No one single issue would have torn down the most powerful empire to ever exist until post WWII USA. These problems included...

    1. Illegal Immigration

    2. War in Iraq

    3. Trade Deficit with China (Rome didn't even know the Chinese existed and yet Roman coins were spent in China during this time)

    4. Ideological Conflict with Persia (modern day Iran)

    5. Devalued currency

    6. Blatantly corrupt politicians

    7. A waning education system (gave up reason for religion (Christianity))

    8. The cities were becoming crime havens and the wealth moved out

    9. A crisis of Language

    10. Out sourcing

    Julius Caesar saved Rome from falling after the Romans became overly smug once Carthage was defeated (much like the US after the fall of the Soviet Union) and through Augustus ensured the longevity of the Empire for the next 500 years. But we've already passed that point and are not immune to someone taking the reigns in that way.

    Either we fix the house and give up our empire (like Britain after WWII) truly become and Empire which will need an Emperor (Like Rome) or continue the way were going and we can kiss it good bye. Welcome back Dark Ages!

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