
America are creating more and more terrorist in Iraq?

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The america goverment order to shoot everybody in Iraq because maybe the so-called terrorist will stop attacking them. Common sense is that when you kill innocent people, you will just create more terrorist. For example if that innocent person in the crowd was your innocent: brother, sister, mam, dad, etc. There no doubt that you would want to get revenge, even though if you have never ever killed anyone before.

America will then call these people terrorist, Iraqi people will call them freedom fighter, what would you call them?

You can watch the video of the american troop who admit all this




  1. Nope. Just uncovering more. Some like to hide. What your suggesting is wrong. If someone was to kill my family, it would not change my character. I would not suddenly become a terrorist! You can't make that connection no matter how much you try.

    Find as many utube clips that you want but it does not prove your point. Terrorists choose to kill irregardless of the provocation. Ask those who surrived 9/11!

    Edit: dom n olli, you are so wrong. How can you even think what you are suggesting! Just because you find some ludicrous website with biased, suggestive, crazy, fables, you believe just bizarre ideas! You are wrong and I pray that some day you will see how terrible it is for you to even suggest what your saying. Shame on you!

  2. how else will they get there hands on the oil, have you seen all the released footage (that the goverment tryed to ban) of the 911 towers, what really happened, THEY DID IT THEMSELFS, so they could start a war, just like they have all the others, dont take my word for it, go seach, (if you wont to see the truth).

  3. They also created osama bin laden

  4. I dont give a flying hoot about the Iraquis all I care about is my own ie: British troops, who cares what happens to those in that dirt box of a land, bring home our boys and let the idiots fight amongst themselves.

  5. what is the question here....I read it twice...still don't know..

  6. You are right, when the british created bloody sunday all what happened after was lots of Irish man & women joined the IRA, same is happening in iraq, have you ever thought that's the whole idea

  7. I didn't watch this video because You Tube is sometimes full of nothing more than garbage. My husband is a US Solider. He is fighting a War because that is what his Commander in Chief ( our President) told him to do. He is simply obeying orders.

    Revenge for the sake of Revenge is stupid...and here in America, there are tons of people who are killed on the streets in cities all over our nation...and they show the mothers and fathers, siblings and friends weeping about their loved one, who say was shot by the police...because he or she was such a "model citizen"...sure that is why your kid was dealing drugs and pulled an AK 47 on a cop and why the cops took him out. "Perfect" people do that every day... The American Government does not order the military to "Shoot everybody" Most of our Soliders who have been in Iraq said they never drew their weapons let alone fired them in the time they were there. War is War, it is not pretty. Terrorism is exactly that... and what is being displayed in Iraq, by Al-Qaeda in the name of Jihad is not what is written in the Quran or the belief of most Muslims.

  8. Well, the American people are already creating more terrorists by opposing the war and giving them an ego boost

  9. our country in the past or future have never order our troops to kill  innocent civilians and they will only fire when they perceived a threat to innocent civilians or their lives are at stake.  we are no creating terrorism radical Islamic preachers create terrorrism.  although personally think that we can avoid many of the issues we have by having a more aggressive policies those are no the policies of our goverment our soldiers are the best their is so please get you fact straigh.    and for you information this country do more for those in need around the world that anyone other country in the world.

  10. I think you make a very good point. America and UK needs to pull out their troops out now.

  11. Thats a statment not a question take your soap box and start a facebook group

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